About Makana Geppert

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So far Makana Geppert has created 2 blog entries.

Made to Love

We are about to start a very exciting series on Sunday mornings that could drastically upgrade your life: The Great Pursuit. Seriously! With all that is going on in the world, we need to discover what the Word of God tells us is the greatest pursuit of all time! If you join me in this pursuit, I promise your life will begin a journey of massive upgrades.

What is the greatest thing in the world? What is the noblest goal for anyone to go after?

The Bible is clear—the greatest goal is love! Nothing else matters. The greatest gifts you may have or desire to have, mean nothing without love. Love brings about the greatest transformation. Love—we were created for it.

Was love the motive behind all our actions on this earth? If you could take the entire Bible and sum it up in one word, it would have to be: LOVE.

Nestled between a description of spiritual gifts, and how they are to function in the church, we find that the real heart of the matter is love. The Apostle Paul said,

If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing. Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3,13 NLT)

We desperately need the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be properly exercised in the church today. However, as in Paul’s day, the gifts would mean nothing if there is not love.

The great evangelist D.L. Moody heard Henry Drummond expound on 1 Corinthians 13, the subject of love. In response, he said, “It seemed to me that I had never heard anything so beautiful. The one great need in our Christian life is love, more love to God and to each other. Would that we could all move into that love chapter and live there.”

But what is love? What does love look like when it shows up on our doorstep, offices, schools, and homes? In this series, we will discover what real love is—the kind of love that comes straight from the Father’s heart.

Love has nine attributes:

  • Patience—love suffers long.
  • Kindness—love is kind.
  • Generosity—love doesn’t envy.
  • Humility—love is not proud.
  • Courtesy—love is not rude.
  • Unselfishness—love seeks not its own.
  • Good temper—love is not easily provoked.
  • Purity—love thinks no evil.
  • Sincerity—love rejoices in the truth.

You were made for the one thing that really matters: LOVE.

To get the most out of this series, I strongly encourage you to connect with a Life Group! Discover the power of love together with friends and family and be transformed by the love of God. Looking forward to seeing you real soon!

Believe Big

Dear Friend,

Renee and I thank God for you, and we are praying Luke 1:45 over your new year!

You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said (Luke 1:45).

Mary believed in God and was blessed because of her faith. It is the same with you! There is a blessing for you that is linked to those words, “because you believed.”

An unwavering belief in what God said has shut the mouths of lions, caused walls to come tumbling down, brought salvation to an entire city, brought Israel out of Egypt, brought healing to sick bodies, caused the waters of the Red Sea to run out of the way, brought overnight miracles, and filled God’s people with courage in the midst of the impossible.

The times we live in call for unwavering belief. Will you put action to your faith by joining Renee and me in 21 days of fasting and prayer? We will start the fast on Monday, January 3 and continue through Sunday, January 23. We will then pray, worship, and celebrate together with a citywide prayer gathering on Wednesday, January 26, @ 7pm.

Fasting is the secret weapon for every Christian! Fasting can trigger freedom for you and for others! Fasting can transform your prayers, deepen your relationship with God, increase your spiritual senses, bring increased sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and result in personal revival.

Fasting can put you on the fast track to living your God-given destiny and bring freedom and awakening to our city and this region.

“Combining fasting with prayer can result in a spiritual atomic bomb that pulls down spiritual strongholds and releases the power of God in your life and the life of your church, its pastor, its leaders, and its members.”  — Bill Bright

For more information on fasting, I highly recommend Pastor Dave Williams’ book, The Miracle Results of Fasting. You can stop by the Resource Center, just across from the Connect Center, to pick up a copy this Sunday.

During our fast and throughout the rest of the year, let’s read the One Year Bible together. You can access The One Year Bible online at:  https://oneyearbibleonline.com/daily-oyb/?version=51&startmmdd=0101. Or you can purchase one at the Resource Center. Just remember this— when you are reading your Bible, you are not just reading words. You are reading the very words of God.

As He promised, may the Lord reward you for your fasting this year (Matthew 6:18). May you be filled with uncommon faith as we read through the Bible together this year. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord give you peace! God bless you and happy new year!

Your Friend and Pastor,

Kevin Berry

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