Believe Big.

A Look Back at 2022

Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, “Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened.” And the young servant was healed that same hour. – Matthew 8:13

Let’s Believe Big! As a church family, we started by raising our expectations and dreaming big as a church family for our community and the nations! Let’s take a moment to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness together. We are so thankful for what He has done and are extremely expectant for transformation and what is to come in 2023.

We celebrated nearly 100 baptisms!

In water baptism, you are identifying with Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. Going under the water signifies that your former life is now dead and buried. Rising out of the water signifies resurrection to a new, spiritual life empowered by the Holy Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead. You now live your new life from the position of victory over sin and death.

Sign Up For the Next Water Baptism

We celebrated 291 of salvations!

Through our two campuses, online services, young adults, youth, and childrens, we saw lives transformed as they chose to follow Christ. Thank you, Jesus!

We welcomed 63 new Mount Hope members!

Through our two campuses, we welcome 63 new members to join in the adventure to make disciples and to call Mount Hope Church their home!

86 new Mount Hopers completed Growth Track!

We celebrate the 86 new Growth Track finishers who chose to take their next step, get involved, and learn about our Mount Hope culture at either of our two campuses!

Thank you!

Because of your faithful giving, we are carrying the gospel into all the world. People are being transformed, disciples are being equipped, and lives are being added to the Kingdom.

In 2022, Mount Hope Church gave $1.85 million to Local and Global Missions, impacting lives right here in our neighborhoods and across the nations—that includes $115,000 to Speed The Light from our Mount Hope youth in Spyn, over $22,000 to BGMC from our Mount Hope Kids in Kidz Connect, and $315,000 during our Heaven on Earth campaign.

Support 351 Missions!

As of December 2022, we have 351 long-term missions in over 120 different countries that YOU support to help spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth! You helped us give nearly $2 million to boots-on-the-ground missionaries and to several missons projects seen below.

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Global Missions & Outreach

Mount Hope, you help support 372 long-term missions in over 120 different countries! Together, we partnered with Convoy of Hope and provided Provided food for nearly 2,000 families through local food distributions this year and served about 700 meals to homeless and vulnerable families. Here are the numerous ways and projects we’ve accomplished in 2022:

Ongoing Mission Support – $1,300,000

We love our missionaries and the people that are serving. With your help, Mount Hope Church supports over 300 ministries in over 100 countries and your financial support helps these missionaries, along with administer disaster relief, plant churches, and equip others to reach those who don’t know Jesus Christ.

Member Care
Missionary Member Care – $45,000

Mount Hope is blessed to partner with 368 missionary units. This number grows every month, and with that growth comes a responsibility to continue to provide great care—mental care, physical care, and spiritual care for those heroes on the front lines of advancing the kingdom. As many missionaries experience hardship and persecution at increasing rates, we’ve been able to hire counselors, give surprise blessings, extra support, and Holy Spirit guided family support. We MUST support our missionaries in more ways than just sponsorship—we need to include wholistic and loving partnerships.

The Afghanistan Project – $50,000

Our heart is to serve the people of Afghanistan by empowering and equipping those on the front lines and building a strong community worldwide. Our prayer:

  • Lord, we lift up the people of Afghanistan to You right now. We pray that You would take hold of them and help them walk through this fearful time. We pray Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 over them. Protect them under Your wing and help them feel the comfort and peace that only comes from Your powerful presence.
  • We pray that truth and light would be revealed, and for the hearts of the Taliban to be changed. Just as You did with Saul, we pray for “Damascus” encounters that would lead to repentance.
  • Lord, protect the women and children. Hear their cries and keep them safe from wickedness and manipulation. Grant them Your peace, freedom, and comfort.
Church Plant in Sudan – $30,000

Khartoum, Sudan

Several years ago, Alberto Sosa, a great missionary from Paraguay, ran a Crossfit Gym in Alexandria. That gym is doing better than ever and is now being run by a group of local believers.

Alberto and his family are now relocating to Sudan and have obtained official recognition for the Assemblies of God in Sudan where he and his wife have been issued “missionary visas.” This is a first for this country! A partner church has invested in helping Alberto ramp up an online church presence, which is going strong. This investment will help in some of the practicalities of a physical church plant in Khartoum, Sudan.

Church Plant in New Zealand – $60,000

Auckland, New Zealand

With 1.6 million very ethnically diverse residents, Auckland is the largest city on the secularized island-nation of New Zealand and home to thirty-three percent of the country’s total population. This new international, multicultural church will be a giant beacon of light to the city.

Funds for this project will go to assist with the church plant’s first year’s facility rental, furnishings and chairs, and audiovisual/sound equipment.

Day Camps in West Bank – $30,000

West Bank

Through Global University, we have previously helped fund Ross Byers and his Summer Camp program in the West Bank. These programs reach tens of thousands of homes in the West Bank, and have been proven to be a gateway into homes to extend hope and the Gospel with these families.

Funds for this project will be used to produce several literature pieces and packets, with the goal of 200,000 pieces, that will go home with the kids from the Summer Camps, while impacting their families. In addition, snacks, games, and other standard materials will be purchased for the Summer Camp programs.

Bishkek House Project – $50,000

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

The goal of the Bishkek House Project is to provide a better suited, private space for team activities, rather than in team member apartments.

The uses of this house would include:

  • Space for biblical, theological, and missional training,
  • housing for long-term team members like
  • interns and study abroad students, and
  • community space for fellowship, hangouts, and meetings.

Given the right property, the Bishkek House could also provide space for some rural ministry and life-and-work development activities, such as gardening, bee-keeping, and raising chickens.

Algerian Media & Business Expansion – $50,000

Algiers, Algeria

As the capital and largest city in Algeria, and with a population of 3 million, Algiers city population consists of nearly 97% people practicing Islam today.

Funds for the project would be used to extend the Gospel through media outreach and follow-up. Teams will take time to produce evangelistic materials that reach the people in Algerian dialect.Currently, teams are engaged with an Unreached People Groups Oral Bible Project that has no documented resources in their language. Funds will also go to hire a translator with the purpose of developing an oral Bible story set in their local language, Taznatit.

Lastly, funds will go to Step Global BAM (Business as Missions), focusing on internship programs that allow more Christian witness and boots on the ground in Algeria.

Omani Media & Business Expansion – $30,000

With a population of 1.5 million people, Muscat is the capital of Oman. Here missionary teams plan to reach the beautiful Omani people through media and by equipping business leaders to extend the Kingdom right in their day-to-day operations. Funds will go to:

  • Launching media ministry for the first time within Oman. This will include content, ads, and follow-up for those seeking Jesus.
  • Funding Arab believers to join BAM (Business as Missions) to help follow up with those seeking the Gospel through media outreach and one-on-one discipleship.
  • The Silver Chair Tourism BAM that is focused on bringing U.S. tourists for cultural and prayerful trips to Oman.
Bibles & Training in Egypt – $30,000

Cairo, Egypt

Let’s believe for all souls for Jesus in Egypt! Through resources, Bibles, and intentional training, we are believing for a great sweep of revival in Cairo.

Funds will go to resource development, which includes hard-copy and electronic resources (video teachings, e-curriculum) for Indigenous churches and discipleship. Also, funds will help with electronic resources for leadership development of Indigenous church-planters, and a website hub for leaders to access these resources securely. Additionally, the current resource library will be translated to Arabic for use.

Funds will also provide a ministry training center location in an unengaged area of Egypt. This training center is already legally approved but we need the finances to purchase or rent. This center will provide a secure space for emerging Indigenous ministry leaders to receive training and discipleship. In addition, this space will house spiritual fellowships for ministry and outreach in the community.In additions, funds will provide a ministry training center location in an unengaged area of Egypt. This training center is already legally approved but we need the finances to purchase or rent. This center will provide a secure space for emerging indigenous ministry leaders to receive training and discipleship. In addition this space will house spiritual fellowships for ministry and outreach in the community.

The Anapto Program – $30,000

Cairo, Egypt

The word “Anapto” means “to kindle” or “to ignite” in Greek. This is exactly what this program will do. In partnership with the Egyptian Assemblies of God, we are creating the first sending agency for long-term Egyptian global workers. The program will launch in January 2022 with the intention of commissioning global workers to establish church planting teams throughout the region as well as starting teams to work with unreached peoples in Egypt upon completing the program. Anapto is holistic, combining weekend classroom times with daily field assignments in their home area under the guide of a coach.

Funds will go to translation of lessons and materials into Arabic for use in the classroom, development of the online system and purchase of licenses, development of materials to help local churches begin praying for unreached people groups, translation of articles into Arabic for educating local pastors on missions and the mission of God, and development and translation of coaching materials.

Syrian and Iraqi Refugees – $30,000

Community Center in Turkey

This community center provides a safe, welcoming place for those who are refugees to find healing from trauma through community. They run English and Turkish conversation clubs, art therapy for women, small group therapy for men, and community building events like movie and game nights, family meal nights, and picnics. They also meet physical needs through clothing giveaways, furniture distribution, and grocery store gift cards during house visits.

Everyone who comes to the center knows that it is connected to a church which gives us a natural bridge to share the Gospel and pray with people for their needs. For those who express an interest in learning more, they meet with them to study the Bible, which has led to a group of new believers and seekers. We are praying that this group would be the start of a church planting movement among
Syrians and Iraqis in this city of Turkey.

The team is actively pursuing entering Syria and the funds would be used for registering and establishing a Non-governmental Organization (NGO) in Damascus that would give access to move our church planting team into Syria.

Church Plant – $30,000

Benghazi, Libya

Starting July 2022, Jonathan and Bethany are pioneering a church planting team in Benghazi, Libya! A city known for civil war will come face-to-face with a hope-bringing church. This new team would use the funds for:

  • Establishing a food and hospitality business that aims to bring young Libyan families into relationship with believers,
  • mobilizing and partnering with global workers to reach the Eastern parts of Libya, and
  • launching a media ministry to evangelize seeking Libyans and to gather hidden believers in the East.
Relief Development in Yemen – $50,000

Years of conflict in Yemen have left their infrastructure shattered, thousands dead, millions internally displaced, and food insecure. The people desperately need hope.

The team in Yemen would use the funds to help set up and run relief and development projects, specifically in the sectors of special education, water, and sanitation. Funds would also help partially support Egyptian and Jordanian believers that are working in a professional capacity on the relief and development projects and who are part of the team.

Support & Sustainability in Morocco – $50,000

Driving a taxi cab, making bread, or owning a mobile coffee shop are examples of small businesses that could offer local pastors the flexibility to meet the demands of ministry while also providing for the financial needs of their families.

Many pastors are having a difficult time finding work due to the economic situation in Morocco, demands of ministry, and even social ostracism because of their faith in Christ. Funds will aid a small business program that will begin with a grant to start a small business, then continue with ongoing training and follow-up so that the business remains viable. Aiding these pastors to achieve a more sustainable life and ministry would be a catalyst for increased church planting.

Our Favorites

Sunday Messages, Content, & More

Love in Action

Love leads to action. Love keeps hoping. Love keeps believing. Love keeps enduring. Character grows in the stream of the world’s life. That is where we must learn to love. Get ready as Pastor Kevin teaches to live out a love that holds on to hope as we conclude our “Great Pursuit” series.

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Aggressive Faith

The people of Ninevah had a complete transformation through their aggressive faith. God can do for you what He did for Ninevah, so what are you believing God for this year?

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The Authentic Church

How do you know the difference between a genuine Christian and a fake one? Listen as Pastor Kevin shares how being “all in,” fully devoted to the church, can position you for miracles, signs, and wonders.

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Tension and Suffering

esus warned us that we would suffer, and it is how we respond to suffering that shows God’s power working in us. Pastor Joe is joined by MHLS grad Keagan Semlow for this message, which is part of our “Expect Power” series.

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Spiritual Vision

God designed us for power! John Lindell from James River Church is with us sharing about the power God gives us and how to seek healing! His power is meant for us today! This message is part of our “Family: Designed by God” series.

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Heavenly Mindset

Everything begins with a right view of God! So how can we focus our minds on heaven and ensure God is the center of our attention? Join Pastor Kevin as he shares how to develop a heavenly mindset as part of our series, “Heaven on Earth.”

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Your Work Is Your Worship

Your work is your worship, but how can you make sure you don’t worship your work? How do you keep what you do and who you are separate? Sarah shares how to place your identity in Christ rather than your work in this companion video to our “Expect Power” series.

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The Power of Sharing Your Testimony

You overcome the enemy by the word of you own testimony! Pastor Joe shares keys steps to construct your story, the power that comes with sharing your testimony, along with why it’s important in being a witness to others.

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The Importance of Community

God designed us to live in community, and we are empowered when we join together with the Body of Christ! Pastor Kevin shares the importance of being part of the church community in this companion video to our “Expect Power” series.

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Raeghan’s Story

I know I can be fully, completely healed.

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Christel’s Story

Completely Healed of Lyme Disease!

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Come And Behold

Come and behold Him, isn’t He fascinating? Come and behold Him, get lost in His majesty. By Maverick City Music & Upper Room.

Equipping Blogs

The Power of the Blood

Do you need a miracle in some area of your life? I want to encourage you that communion is more than something we do at church once a month. Communion is a weapon that can grant you access to miracles through the blood of Christ. 

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Listen to the First Word

You must familiarize yourself with the Word of the Lord, the Bible. The Bible is where we learn to hear the voice of the Lord. The Bible is where we get the truth. The Bible is how our faith grows. The Bible is the very foundation of Christianity. Hear my heart, the Bible is not a prophet’s idea. The Bible is not an apostle’s opinion on a matter. The Bible is the infallible, inspired, authoritative Word of God. 

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My Eyes are Fixed on Jesus.

We are on the cusp of another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will result in a massive harvest such as the world has never seen. My eyes are fixed on Jesus and His soon return. But, as long as I’m still on this earth, I must be found busy about the Lord’s work. What is that? Part of the Lord’s work has always been caring for orphans, those who cannot defend themselves. This leads me to the current situations we face in America regarding abortion and the family.

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Thank you!

Again, thank you! This is just a snapshot of the extraordinary things accomplished with your faithful prayers and financial support. Through all of 2022, you helped our neighbors see the love of Jesus and impacted the nations with the power of the gospel. 

We pray for you—just as you have blessed others across the globe through your love, prayers, and giving, we pray that God will bless you. May the Lord’s face shine on you with favor. May the Lord be gracious to you and grant you peace!