A Look Back at 2023

As we kicked off 2023, we set out to keep our eyes on Jesus. When our eyes are fixed on Jesus, we know we’ll be moved through life with joy, see the world in a different way, dream bigger, and stop thinking things are impossible. Let’s take a moment to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness together. We are so thankful for what He has done and are extremely expectant for transformation and what is to come in 2023.

We welcomed over 400 new guest!

Mount Hope Church is a community of people who love God and others, and it is our desire that every Sunday, we create an environment for everyone encounter God’s love and amazing grace. Thank you for being a part of helping new families feel welcomed and encouraged in our church.

We celebrated 116 baptisms!

In water baptism, you are identifying with Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. Going under the water signifies that your former life is now dead and buried. Rising out of the water signifies resurrection to a new, spiritual life empowered by the Holy Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead. You now live your new life from the position of victory over sin and death.

Sign Up For the Next Water Baptism

We celebrated over 300 of salvations!

Through our two campuses, online services, young adults, youth, and childrens, we saw lives transformed as they chose to follow Christ. Thank you, Jesus!

We welcomed 49 new Mount Hope members!

Through our two campuses, we welcome 49 new members to join in the adventure to make disciples and to call Mount Hope Church their home!

Over 80 new Mount Hopers completed Growth Track!

We celebrated over 80 new Growth Track finishers who chose to take their next step, get involved, and learn about our Mount Hope culture at either of our two campuses!

Thank you!

Because of your faithful giving, we are carrying the gospel into all the world. People are being transformed, disciples are being equipped, and lives are being added to the Kingdom.

In 2023, Mount Hope Church gave over $1.2 million to Local and Global Missions, impacting lives right here in our neighborhoods and across the nations—that includes $25,655 to Speed The Light from our Mount Hope youth in Spyn, over $2,075 to BGMC from our Mount Hope Kids, and $223,000 during our Miracles in Motion year-end push.

Supporting 325 Missionaries!

As of December 2023, we have 325 long-term missions in over 120 different countries that YOU support to help spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth! We also welcomed nine new missionaries in 2023. You helped us give over $1.2 million to boots-on-the-ground missionaries and to several missons projects seen below.

View Our Missionaries >

Global Missions & Outreach

Mount Hope, you help support 325 long-term missions in over 120 different countries! Together, we partnered with Convoy of Hope and provided food for nearly 2,000 families through local food distributions this year and served about 700 meals to homeless and vulnerable families. Here are the numerous ways and projects we’ve accomplished in 2023:

Neighbors (Local)

Resourcing our outreach squads that focus on sharing the love of Jesus by finding solutions for homelessness, hunger, and crime in the greater Lansing area.
Being open handed to the poor and those in need by maintaining well-stocked local food pantries and providing regular food distributions in the Lansing area.
Providing the basic necessities of coats, jackets, and boots to kids in section 8 housing—especially through the cold Michigan winters.
Bringing the message of hope and restoration of Jesus to Michigan prisoners.
Hosting vulnerable children and creating extended family with a community of godly people who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.
Planting new Mount Hope campuses to bring Jesus to local subcultures within the Soul Zone that will meet in boardrooms, restaurants, and parks—wherever people gather, we desire to be there.

Sharing the healing power of Jesus with survivors of human trafficking, by providing a safe place to recover from destructive patterns of abuse.

Ongoing Initiatives

We are committed to making a difference in the statistic that 40% of the world lives without access to Christ. Mount Hope’s “boots on the ground” strategy is to plant churches among unreached people groups of the earth through multi-national teams while providing consistent and personal engagement. Mount Hope currently supports 370 missionaries who do this daily in 120 different countries. Regular monthly support gives a foundation to these families and individuals in otherwise difficult contexts.

Youth raising money for missionary projects around the world, including essential resources, transportation, and creative communication equipment.

Responding to the Ukrainian crisis, providing disaster relief, feeding children in need, training women to start businesses, and helping farmers in developing nations.

Rescuing and restoring victims of human trafficking and working with law enforcement officials to bring criminals to justice and survivors to victory though safe housing, education solutions, global accountability and community ownership.
Beginning the process of missions awareness, concern, and stewardship in young lives by training kids to give sacrificially.
Providing scholarships for local ministry and church leaders studying with a focus of reaching the unreached inside indigenous cultures and countries.
Responding to the opportunity to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and comfort the displaced in a way that introduces the refugee to Jesus.
Equipping and funding future missions leaders to explore and serve healthy, Spirit-filled missions moments across the globe.

Nations (Global)

Because of your generosity, we are able to build 19 new churches in Kenya! A big heartfelt thank you, Mount Hopers! These new structures will help in protecting from rain, give shade from the hot sun, and communicate permanence to the community. Thank you!

Thank you!! Because of your generosity, we were able to give $28,000 to Dave Roever’s ministry REAP International—we crushed our goal and then some! This gift is going towards training up new church leaders all over the world, providing discipleship resources, and much more. Let‘s go!

Japan is less than 1% Christian and is the second largest unreached people group in the world. However, the most receptive segment of the population is university students. So, we believe campus ministry is one of the keys for revival in Japan. Because the city is widening the road outside of the Chi Alpha Student Center, they will have to relocate into a new facility and then renovate that space.

Our very own Scott & Ruth Thompson are right in the heart of Indonesia, proclaiming the name of Jesus!

The A/G Bible School on Maluku island urgently needs 20 new desktop computers, as its 60 students currently share 5 computers in poor condition for writing papers and online research. The cost for the new computers is $8,000. On Java island, an A/G Bible School requires an $8,000 sound system for its chapel, which is currently underutilized due to the lack of sound equipment. A mobile sound system would enhance flexibility for events. Additionally, there’s a need for one more $3,500 scholarship for Bible School students.

Our ministry team has a vision to work with and support local churches while reaching out to the community through relational evangelism and compassion ministries. This community center will serve 100-200 children and young people on a daily basis.

The home was given a notice to vacate their property. They had no place to go. The property they’ve occupied for 30 years was taken over by the mafia who wants to build a casino. The orphans and staff are in desperate need of a new home and we’re going to build them one. But even while that home is being built, we must feed and clothe these orphans.

Indonesia has a population larger than Russia with 220 unreached people groups. Our goal is to boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, equip believers for the work of the ministry, plant the Church where it doesn’t yet exist. We need 100 new campus ministries launched, and they cost $1,000 each.
We are believing for radical transformation for the beautiful people of Papua New Guinea. Our heart is to plant five new Bible College Dormitories in Papua New Guinea at $35,000 each, creating a Kingdom impact for generations to come.

A big heartfelt thank you, Mount Hopers!

There are two Project Rescue sites that are asking for our help this year: one in the Philippines and one in Indonesia. For $3,500, you can provide holistic care for a rescued girl in one of these homes… that’s food, clothing, medical care, vocational training, and discipleship.

For $150 you can fund a micro business for a family in the Philippines. Each family receives five months of training and mentoring and then capital to get their business started. This $150 starts a family on a path to financial freedom. Eighty-five families have been helped so far; we have 250 more families waiting for funding.

For $1,080 you can provide support for a church planter in Vietnam for two years while they get established. We have 42 church planters RIGHT NOW waiting for support.

In addition, through your missions giving, we also were able to help with the following:

  • New dorms for Youth Ministry in El Salvador
  • First “above Ground” AG church in Turkey
  • Thousands of Books for campaign in Cuba – Ponder Para Cambiar (Power to Change, Jason Frenn)
  • Hostel in Kazakhstan
  • Coffee cart in Israel
  • Bhutan project with Pierce Davis
  • Travel agency in Turkey

Our Favorites

Sunday Messages, Content, & More

Let’s Go Fishing!

We hear the Lord saying ” ALL HANDS ON DECK!” God has a miracle catch of people coming into His Kingdom coming on the horizon. Let’s push our boat into the water, go out a little deeper, and be where people need hope. Be inspired as Pastor Kevin kicks off our new series, “Walking with Jesus.”

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Open Your Heart

As Christians, we have a divine advantage: Jesus has already shown us the way to life! But it’s so easy to get confused and distracted from that message, with so much going on in the world. Guest speaker Shane Willard helps break down some of the misconceptions Christians can get caught up in when trying to follow Jesus. Join us as we dive into biblical definitions of love and life with our series, “Your Divine Advantage.”

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Passing Down the Blessing

Family impacts ALL of us, and this series is for us ALL. We each have a role to play in the family of Mount Hope Church, and part of that is passing down the stories and blessings of God to our children. It is our spiritual responsibility to raise disciples in the generations that follow. Join Pastor Kevin as he shares how family is at the core of God’s Heart, as part of our new series, “Family: The Core of God’s Heart.”

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Family Is Your Future

Your family is your future! While society wants you to prioritize success and dreams, God is calling you to your sons and daughters. What you do will never be more important than who you are. There is still time to get it right! Join us as we hear from our friend, Peter Reeves, share about generational faith as a continuation of our “Family: The Core of God’s Heart” series.

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My Dad Can Fix It

What do you do when you face an impossible situation? What about when you can see something that needs mending, but you don’t know how to fix it? Catch the heart of the Father as Pastor Kevin teaches us to turn to God when we face obstacles and say, “My Dad Can Fix It!”

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Lazarus Come Out!

Signs, miracles and healings are needed today! People need to see the goodness of God breaking through in their lives! When Jesus called Lazarus from the grave, He granted him much more than just mortal life. Resurrection power is meant to be experienced today, He wants to transform your spirit, your marriage, your family relationships, dreams, hopes! Join Pastor Kevin as he continues our “Signs: Healings & Miracles” series.

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Freedom for YOU (Excerpt)

The Lord delights in you and He has more freedom for you! Even if it takes some time, God is speaking to you and patiently waiting for you to accept His invitation to more freedom! As you grow and mature, God will call you to bigger, better, and brighter things!

View More Excerpts >

He was there for me!

After losing his dad, Alex learned to rely on God more than ever. Hear how God revealed more of Himself to Alex during a tough time in his life.

View more testimonies >

Trusting in Worship

Pastor Chris and Pastor Madison, our worship minister, delve into the heart of worship and the connection between gratitude, thanks, and the act of worship. Drawing inspiration from Psalms 100, which invites us to enter His gates with thanksgiving, we explore the transformative power of authentic worship, both individually and corporately.

View Life Group Discussions >

Jesus Come Be the Center
Bros & Brats Podcast: Boundaries

How do you create healthy boundaries with your children? How do we demonstrate what it looks like to have healthy boundaries?

View Episodes in Podcast >

Do It Again

Equipping Blogs

Choosing What Looms Over Your Life

I was talking to a dear friend and prayer partner on the phone recently. She told me that on a Sunday morning, she remembers hearing a guest minister say, “Something big will loom over your life—your circumstances or the Word of God—and you get to decide.”

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Can you See Hope For America?

“In God We Trust” are the words I have seen all over Washington, DC. I saw those words over the Supreme Court building. Everywhere I looked, I could see signs of faith in America’s history.

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Prayers of Power

Last year, the Lord put a word in my heart that has everything to do with you! It was all about how your prayers are the link to somebody’s miracle!

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Thank you!

Again, thank you! This is just a snapshot of the extraordinary things accomplished with your faithful prayers and financial support. Through all of 2023, you helped our neighbors see the love of Jesus and impacted the nations with the power of the gospel. 

We pray for you—just as you have blessed others across the globe through your love, prayers, and giving, we pray that God will bless you. May the Lord’s face shine on you with favor. May the Lord be gracious to you and grant you peace!

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