Out of a thankful heart, honor grows. Therefore, we pause once a year with great joy to thank God and honor Him for the gift we have in Pastor Kevin and Renee Berry.

During our last “Family” series, we explored God’s purpose for family. We looked to God’s Word to help rediscover what it means to be brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, parents, mothers, and fathers. No one role is more valuable than the other, but each is needed to complete the beautiful harmony God intended for family in Christ Jesus. 

Amongst all these family roles, we would like to bring particular attention to the role of a father, specifically the role of a spiritual father. The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth, “For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. So I urge you to imitate me.” (1 Corinthians 4:15-16). 

In this scripture, we are reminded of the heart of our Pastor, Kevin Berry. He labors as a spiritual father to so many and has done so for more than 40 years. In a day where we can watch thousands of instructors online, we only have one like Pastor Kevin—who faithfully stands with us, guides, and pastors in the Lansing community—lovingly setting a godly example through the victories and challenges of Christian living. 

We know we speak for many of you when we say that our pastor is a gift and blessing in this community. Amid some of the most confusing and divisive times in our nation’s history, Pastor Kevin displays the heart of a true spiritual father in his commitment to lead and guard this church family by keeping us focused on Jesus Christ, and Him alone. And for that, we desire to honor and celebrate him. 

Though Pastor Kevin would prefer that we refrain from any celebration that puts him at the center, we plan a Pastor Appreciation Day each year, because we believe that honor reflects God’s heart and is a value of the Kingdom of God. The Apostle Paul writes, “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine” (1 Timothy 5:17). Therefore, we would like to pause briefly during our Sunday service on October 8, 2023, as we talk about the importance of the role of a spiritual father and bless our pastor. We do so to refresh him, pray for him, acknowledge him, and thank God for his leadership and example. 

We hope you will join us in honoring our pastor, as we celebrate our godly leadership and learn how we can all grow in integrity, trust, and grace. 
Take Time to Pray

As many of us already do, we ask that you set aside extra time to pray for them.  Here are ways to pray for them:

Kevin Berry
Pray for ears that hear and eyes that see. (Pr. 20:12; Ps. 119:147)

  • Holiness: Lord thank you for making him holy! You have given him the right desires and the power to back up those desires. (Phil 2:13)
  • Health: Lord, grant him health and rest. May he have a peaceful heart that will lead to a healthy body.
  • Hunger: May he always be hungry to know You more—knowing your voice, the “whispers” from you. (Phil. 3:8)

The Marriage and Family
God, may Your friendship be felt in Pastor Kevin’s home (Job 29:4)

  • Life: Will you please fill Pastor Kevin and Renee’s marriage and family with life, joy, adventure, and peace. May his mother, Barb Berry, experience Your peace, joy, and hope.
  • Laughter: May the Berry and Kessler home (John, Sarah, and kids) be filled with lots of laughter this year.
  • Love: May Kevin and Renee be clothed in the Father’s love.
Someone writing in a journal
Share An Encouraging Note 

As part of our Mount Hope Church family, we humbly request that you take a few moments to write Pastor Kevin and Renee a note of appreciation and encouragement. Your kind words are invaluable and refresh them deeply!

Bless Pastor Kevin & Renee

If you would like to honor Pastor Kevin and Renee with a monetary gift as well, you may do so here. If you are sending a check or using a Mount Hope envelope, for tax purposes, please designate your gift/make checks payable to Kevin and Renee Berry.

(This gift is directly to Pastor Kevin & Renee, and will not be tax deductible.)

Watch Pastor Appreciation Service

On Sunday, October 13, 2024, we invite all of Mount Hope Church to pause to honor Pastor Kevin and Renee Berry for their faithfulness as we continue in our “Awe of God” series with Pastor Joe Mead teaching.