Damien & Mirla Zinicola

Damien & Mirla Zinicola

Country/Region: Cuba
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

Damien & Mirla Zinicola were appointed as AGWM missionaries in 1996. They spent their first 13 years in Guatemala where they focused on evangelism and church planting in remote, unreached villages.  In 2009 God redirected them to work in the country of Cuba. Their burden is focused on Reaching into the small communities in the interior of the country using a three pronged approach.

1) Assisting local workers in church Planting by holding evangelistic services, providing discipleship and renewal events, as well as resourcing new works.

2) Training church planters through practical pastoral seminars as well as supporting the pastoral family through marriage and family events.

3) Serving the needy through relief efforts and working with church planters on their family’s and building needs.

Damien & Mirla’s heart has always been to “do the difficult” for the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.


Latin America


Fred Tabor

Fred Tabor

Country/Region: Guatemala
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2019

Join the hearts of the Guatemalans to assists at the orphanage in San Marcos. Whether it’s assisting in construction projects around […]