Dennis & Vanna Tanner

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2002

Dennis and Vanna have over 36 years combined service in cross cultural ministry outside the USA and 46 total years in the ministry. Dennis served 19 years in another mission organization, beginning his ministry in DRC (Zaire) and Belgium. Dennis has a Masters Degree from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Cross Cultural Communication.

In 2002 Dennis and Vanna transferred to the Church of God World Missions where they served for 6 years as the Cross-Cultural Coordinators for Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands. In 2008 they were asked by COGWM and the National leadership in Scotland to serve as the Administrative Bishop and National Women’s Director of that country. Dennis reports, “The Scotland work was a very exciting and rewarding ministry. By God’s grace and help we established 8 new multi-ethnic churches and trained 20 new ministers for Church of God licensing. Two books have been written about the ministry in Scotland: Journey of Faith – Paul & Sheila McLaughlan’s Story of Ministry in Scotland & England by Bobby Duncan and Bridging the Gap by Bobby Duncan and Dennis Tanner.

Currently Dennis and Vanna are doing discipleship training/teaching, evangelism, and leadership development on a global assignment. They are also available for ministry in the USA, visiting churches on behalf of World Missions and ILEAD International.

Under their new assignment with COGWM and ILEAD international, their most recent trips abroad include El Salvador, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, and India. One group of leaders expressed their desire for us to return, as they had never had any teaching or help with their local leadership training. Working with ILEAD International, they were able to purchase three new computer systems for a church-sponsored school in Chennai, India to replace their 30-year-old computers. Future trips being planned include Kenya (youth leadership development), Ghana (compassionate work and training), Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, the Caribbean and India.

Their vision for ministry is to train and develop Christian leaders, disciple new believers, and establish churches in the developing world through compassionate evangelism. Dennis also has a burden to encourage and help USA Church of God congregations develop a consistent monthly missionary and missions support plan through “faith promise giving.” Many churches have already been blessed by his teaching. Some pastors have reported an increase in giving, increase in attendance, and a greater interest in the Great Commission among the congregation.


North America


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Country/Region: USA
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