Gary & Michelle Gallina

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2019

Gary and Michele serve together as Pastoral Care couple to minister to the emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being of CTEN missionary families serving in Central and South America and in Southeastern Europe.

They have been married 33 years and have three daughters, a son-in-law, and two wonderful grandkids!

Due to their 19 years of experience serving as missionaries in the challenging Balkan lands of Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania, they recognize the need to come alongside missionaries. They believe that quality Pastoral Care can make a huge impact in the length and effectiveness of missionary service and reduce missionary attrition. Their hearts are to spend time with the missionaries via Skype and direct visits on the field, encouraging, supporting, and praying for them.

Previously, in the Balkans, Gary and Michele have been involved in church planting, student ministry, Bible college education, and pastoral care to missionaries and national leaders. Michele has effectively home-schooled their children during this time.

Gary holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.S.W. in Clinical Social Work. He has provided both in-patient and outpatient mental health services to adults, adolescents, and their families. He has also worked extensively in the area of substance abuse and addictions. He has provided teaching and workshops on ‘The Contemplative Practice of Spirituality.

Michele holds a B.S in Human Resource Development. She has served in training and development before becoming a missionary. She has used her educational training and administrative skills, mentoring heart, and love for people in various projects while on the mission field.

Together, Gary and Michele have provided workshops for both missionary and national leader retreats. They focus on the areas of marital health, emotional health, brokenness, balance, and coping with stress.


North America


Doug & Joan Webber

Doug & Joan Webber

Country/Region: Builders International in USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1997

Doug and Joan are Coordinators with Builders International Maps Construction. Builders International MAPS Construction continues to […]


Jim & Linda Wellborn

Jim & Linda Wellborn

Country/Region: Builders International in USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2010

After 26 wonderful years of serving youth through Ambassadors In Missions (AIM) and Fine Arts, I […]


Jeremy & Faith Godwin

Jeremy & Faith Godwin

Country/Region: Builder International in USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2019

Jeremy & Faith began their adventure together shortly after they were married in 2001.  That journey […]


Frank & Lois Mayes

Frank & Lois Mayes

Country/Region: Compassion Link in USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1988

Frank and Lois Mayes, Assemblies of God missionaries with International Ministries

Frank and Lois have had a […]


David & Beth Grant

David & Beth Grant

Country/Region: Canada & India
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1998

David and Beth serve as the cofounders and visionaries of Project Rescue. While their ministry has primarily focused […]


Mark & Daniela Brink

Mark & Daniela Brink

Country/Region: World Wide Global Initiative in USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

International Directors for Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples

The Mission of Global Initiative is to […]


Kevin & KyAnne Weaver

Kevin & KyAnne Weaver

Country/Region: World Wide Network 211 in USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

Kevin and KyAnne serve with INTERNATIONL MINISTRIES. Kevin serves as CEO at Network 211 […]


Dave & Beth Ann Roever

Dave & Beth Ann Roever

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1990

Dave Roever grew up in a loving, committed family in South Texas. The last thing on his mind […]


Jacob Oebel

Jacob Oebel

Country/Region: North America
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

I was serving as a youth pastor in Michigan for almost ten years. I loved every single moment of it. […]


Edith Kaiser

Edith Kaiser

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1990

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in 122 countries, […]