Gayle & Nancy Grisbee

Gayle & Nancy Grisbee

Country/Region: Latin America/Caribbean
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1997

Gayle and Nancy Grisbee have served as Assemblies of God missionaries since 1982. They worked as general missionaries in Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, having been involved in lay leadership training, Bible School teaching and administration, as well as overseeing the construction of more than 70 churches

Since 2004 the Grisbees have worked with the Latin America Advanced School of Theology, where Gayle serves as a professor and Academic Dean and Nancy serves as Registrar. LAAST conducts 16-18 one-month long seminars throughout Latin America, training leaders as Bible School professors, administrators, missionaries, national executives and pastors. The program has over 2500 active students and more than 1500 graduates from its program, which began in 1968.


Latin America


Fred Tabor

Fred Tabor

Country/Region: Guatemala
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2019

Join the hearts of the Guatemalans to assists at the orphanage in San Marcos. Whether it’s assisting in construction projects around […]