Julie Van Antwerp

Country/Region: Thailand
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2023

Dear friends and family,

I am an MA who is committed to sharing Jesus with the people of Thailand. I have completed my first two years in Thailand, and I plan to return for another two years before serving in Thailand as a career M. I am serving with a team whose main focus is to plant churches among a large minority people group in Thailand we call cousins. While I plan to continue serving with this team, God has also opened opportunities for me to partner with a local Thai church, as well as to serve communities through various community development projects—which will open more opportunities to share Jesus with Thais in these communities. Also, being an occupational therapist, I hope show Jesus’ love to families with disabilities as God opens opportunities. With Bangkok’s average Christian population being only about 1%, many people have yet to have heard about the love of Jesus even once. Thank you for visiting this website, and please prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and finances to see Thai people come to Christ!

In Jesus, Julie


Asia Pacific


Ty & Cina Silva

Ty & Cina Silva

Country/Region: Asia Pacific
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1999

Ty and Cina Silva have been Assemblies of God missionaries in Asia Pacific (AP) since 1978. In 2015, […]


Kelly & Cindi Robinette

Kelly & Cindi Robinette

Country/Region: Cambodia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1994

Kelly and Cyndi, are missionaries to Cambodia. Current ministries include: Church Planting and Leadership Development, Ministry to Children and Medical […]


Darreth & Thida Ly

Darreth & Thida Ly

Country/Region: Cambodia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2012

Dareth, Thida, Sophie, Sabrina & Saidah Ly. We are survivors of the “Killing Fields.” God is using us to […]


Daniel & Khuyen Bryner

Daniel & Khuyen Bryner

Country/Region: Cambodia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

Reaching the Unreached in Cambodia

We are the Bryner family. Daniel, Khuyen, Peter and Grace. God […]


Mark & Kim Gardner

Mark & Kim Gardner

Country/Region: Fiji
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2002

We move from glory to glory!  2018 finds us transitioning from Africa to Asia Pacific.  We are going to take […]


Jamie & Tasha Kemp

Jamie & Tasha Kemp

Country/Region: Indonesia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

Jamie and Tasha have been missionaries in Indonesia since 2009, the largest Muslim country in the world.  They are […]


Tim & Kelly Pollick

Tim & Kelly Pollick

Country/Region: Indonesia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2017

During these unsettling times, we want to take a moment to express how incredibly thankful we are for […]


Ben & Kathleen Struss

Ben & Kathleen Struss

Country/Region: Indonesia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

Since 2014, Ben & Kathleen have been serving in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation, with over 220 unreached […]


John & Korie Taylor

John & Korie Taylor

Country/Region: Indonesia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

All of us were born in Washington State, but we have called Indonesia home since 2004. We love living and […]


Scott & Ruth Thompson

Scott & Ruth Thompson

Country/Region: Indonesia
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

We are answering the call of God to serve in Indonesia, one of the largest countries in the world […]