March 7, 2021

Why do you spit something out of your mouth? Because it’s unacceptable. Feel the heart of the Father as we look at the church of Laodicea and pray for a passion to refuse lukewarm living. Be encouraged as we continue through our “Tuned In’ series, focused on hearing the voice of God.

First Time

Prayer Request



Online Giving


Tuned In


Tuned In To Your Identity

January 3, 2021

With all of the noise and distractions around us, let’s tune into the frequency of heaven and find God’s voice. Listen as Pastor Kevin begins are new series, […]


Tuned In To God’s Word

January 10, 2021

It is crucial that we tune our ears to hear the voice of God in this season—that begins with reading and meditating on God’s word, the Bible. Get […]


Tuned In To The Lord’s Direction

Sunday, January 17

Hear the Lord saying, “Look up, listen up, and let’s clean up.” As we continue through our series, “Tuned In,” follow along with Pastor Kevin as we unpack […]


Tuned In To Transformation

January 24, 2021

God is calling us to a full and thorough transformation. We often think that storms and trials derail us from our destiny, but this is not true. Listen […]


Tuned In To Your Anointing

January 31, 2021

“Dear Christian, God has called you to be a royal priesthood.” Hear the cry of heaven as Pastor Geoff shares on the importance of the whole body of […]


Tuned In To His Message

February 7, 2021

“Did you get the message?” When Jesus walked on the earth, many heard His words but missed the message. Feel the desire of Heaven as Pastor Peter teaches […]


Tuned In To His Holiness

February 14, 2021

Beware of what you tolerate! Out of God’s love for you, He extends His grace and does not want you to live in sin. Listen as Pastor Kevin […]


Wake Up!

February 21, 2021

As creatures of dust, we were never meant to settle. Wake up, Bride, and hear the voice of God calling you to live full of purpose. If you […]


Tuned In To His Purity

February 28, 2021

God is calling us today us to walk through the doors of opportunity—times of evangelism, of prophecy, of compassion. Listen as Pastor Kevin urges the Church to seek […]


Tend the Flame

March 7, 2021

Why do you spit something out of your mouth? Because it’s unacceptable. Feel the heart of the Father as we look at the church of Laodicea and pray […]


Tuned In To Heaven’s Sound

March 14, 2021

Do you want your spiritual senses to come alive? Tune in to the sound of heaven, repent, and respond with worship as we have full access to Jesus. […]