Dear friend, I want you to know that Renee and I love you and are praying for you! We are thrilled that God added you to the Mount Hope Church family. It is our delight to pray for, love, and serve you. 

I was reading the Bible the other morning when I ran across a passage that leaped off the page. It’s the answer for the person who feels stuck in life. It’s the answer to a nation that has gone astray. It was a specific word for Judah and a relevant word for America today. Here it is: 

This is what the Lord says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’” – Jeremiah 6:16. 

Maybe you have looked around at what is happening in our country and around the world, and it has grieved you. What are we to do? The Lord tells us precisely the critical steps we must take. 

The first thing we need to do is STOP.

I want to encourage you, my brother and sister, to stop business as usual, stop going through the motions, stop being obsessed with the negativity around you, and stop and listen to the voice of the Lord. Ask the Lord for His perspective on the circumstances you are currently facing. What does the Lord have to say about your family, our community, and America? Just hearing one word from God can change everything for you. 


What do you see happening around you? What has the Lord called you to do about it? I look around and see confusion, division, and intense hatred for Israel like I’ve never seen before in my lifetime. But I also see that God is raising up a remnant of prayer warriors in these last days. As you look around, I want you to take note of what is possible. Take note of not just what is but what could be. When you do this, faith will well up in you! That faith will prompt you to action. 

Now it’s time to ASK for the old godly way!

I love this. Ask for the old, godly way of humility to be evident in your life. Ask for the old, godly way of reverence. Ask for the old, godly way of prayer to be active in your life. Ask for the old, godly way of honoring the Lord’s Words. Ask for the old godly way known for a deep, intimate relationship with God, what the Bible calls close fellowship or walking with God. 

We must ask for the old, godly way and walk in it! Asking must be followed by action.
When it comes to our state and country, please pray and please take action. One of the actions you can take is to vote. The truth is a large percentage of Christians don’t vote every election year. I don’t know why that is, but it should not be. Elections have consequences. Be sure to make your voice heard. 

As long as people are running for office, there will never be a perfect person to vote for. But you can vote with biblical values as your guide. Let’s do our part and ask for that old, godly way and then walk in it. The promise is that then there will be rest for your soul. I pray that for you and your family. 

Would you join me in a prayer for the United States of America? 

Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name to pray for Michigan and America. I’m asking for the old godly way! As your people who are called by your name, we humble ourselves before you, great King. We turn from our wicked ways. Forgive us for the injustice, murder, pride, arrogance, and perversion that has polluted this nation. May our hearts be right before you so that you will hear our cry, forgive us, and heal our land. 

We are a nation in need of your healing touch! We are utterly broken and bankrupt apart from you. I ask that the fear of the Lord will fall on this land called America. May there be a holy respect for you, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. According to your word, give us hearts that long to know you more than anybody or anything—that you will be our God, and we will be your people! May there be a genuine spirit of humility and repentance across this land that will cause thousands to be swept into your Kingdom in these last days.

As it is in Heaven, let it be on the earth! As it is in Heaven, let it be in America! I ask for an invasion of your Kingdom—the King’s Domain—to come to this land. I declare the state of Michigan to be a healing zone, a divorce-free zone, a cancer-free zone for your honor and glory! I ask that you stretch out your hand with healing power over this nation and heal those who are hurt. 

Father, you have a long history of waking kings in the middle of the night and putting in a leader’s heart what they should do. I ask that you wake up our leaders in the night season. I ask that you give them dreams and visions and put what they should do in their hearts. Cause our leaders to be delivered from wicked men. Heal our leaders where they hurt and give them peace. I pray that our leaders will have ears to hear you and a heart to obey so that our land may be healed. 

Grant our leaders wisdom in all their decisions, specifically concerning our interaction with Israel. We know that those who bless Israel will be blessed! So, help us as a nation to always bless Israel. May we walk in the blessing that comes from blessing your people, Israel. 

Father, surround this nation with a fiery wall of protection, and no weapon formed against this nation will prosper in the name of Jesus. You, Lord, be the glory inside this nation. Thank you for bringing healing to America for your honor and glory. Amen.