Learning to hear God’s voice can be our greatest asset. It’s an important tool to have in life and it’s something in which we get to teach, guide, and help our kids grow. 

How we communicate this to our kids changes when we recognize that God is eagerly sitting on the edge of His seat waiting for our kids to call on His name so He can show up in incredible and powerful ways.

Prayer isn’t a one-way call; it’s two-way communication between willing listeners and speakers. How are we teaching our kids to be still and listen for the voice of God? It can seem like a challenge in itself, as kids are constantly having things pull on their attention, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor when we see that their future life with God starts now.

God wants to speak to us. He wants to speak to our kids just as much.

Here are 5 practical tips that can help you lead your kids in hearing God’s voice more regularly.

1. Model it. 

Kids need to see you praying and telling them what God is speaking to you. Whether that’s in your personal devotional time, or simply praying out loud when you’d normally keep it inside, talk to them about how you have been listening to the voice of God. 

2. Give Opportunities. 

Kids need to be given permission and real practical opportunities to hear God’s voice. How did this look for you when you were first listening for the voice of God? Was it someone praying with you and giving you permission to sit and be still, or was it someone who encouraged you in how God wants to be in every situation we face? 

3. Celebrate. 

Celebrate what you want repeated. When your child says something that they believe has come from God, celebrate it—even if they’re talking about how God told them they’d win their soccer game on Monday—celebrate it! Always celebrate the attempt and guide where you can. 

4. Make it normal. 

In everyday life, we have the opportunity to invite our kids to listen to God’s voice, to hear from Heaven. When kids are in the car, put some worship music on and tell them to ask God something. Your kids are arguing? Tell them to ask God what He thinks about their siblings. 

5. Be specific. 

The more specific the prayers, the more specific the answers. This gives our kids the opportunity to recognize the faithfulness of God as they continue to grow their relationship with Him. 

God is speaking to us all the time. Ultimately, we just need to take the time to listen to His voice.

As leaders, parents, grandparents, and guardians, our job is to help them and lead them in the way they should grow. Tuning into the Father’s heart is a muscle that grows with exercise and practice. God has equipped you to do this, to join with your kids on the exciting adventure of faith! Keep going… you were made for this!