By Pastor Kevin

Tests are all around us. In school, we test in order to go to the next grade level. When we turn 16, we have to take a test to get a driver’s license. There are certain jobs that we can’t do without first passing a test. Did you know that our God is a God who gives tests?

There are many examples of God testing people in the area of their character in order to qualify them for great influence and wealth. For example, Joseph was promoted to governor of Egypt. However, his life was filled with challenges before he saw his promise come true. Psalm 105:19 says, “Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.”

God tested Abraham with Isaac. King Hezekiah was tested, the prophet Daniel was tested, Esther was tested, even Jesus Christ was tested in the wilderness after His baptism! God is a God who tests character to verify faithfulness. Then, after the test comes promotion, blessing, power, etc.

Did you know that sometimes the Lord gives us things, stuff, and a little money just to see what we will do with it? He is looking throughout the earth for hearts that are loyal towards Him—God is evaluating what we do with a little, so He can trust us with much!

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” -Jesus Christ (Luke 16:10-11)

The Lord is essentially saying, if we can’t be obedient and generous with a little money, then we’ve proven we can’t handle increase from Heaven.

If you’ve been tempted to say, “I will tithe when I have more money” or “I will be more generous once I get promoted,” the Lord challenges those thoughts. He reveals that giving is a matter of godly character and not a matter of having enough. It comes down to what you believe. Will you believe that God will honor His Word and bless your obedience? That is where the rubber meets the road and momentum is gained. God wants you to trust Him and have faith in Him as your supply. Money is the testing ground that He uses to teach you that He is more than sufficient to meet all your needs!

So today, determine in your heart that you will pass the money test! Trust God by tithing faithfully and managing money justly. Support missionaries when you have opportunity, and learn the joy of sharing generously with those around you.


What is Tithing?

Tithing is bringing 10% of your income to the Lord through the local church. Tithing isn’t a payment, a way to make Jesus love us more, or because God needs the money—He owns everything. Tithing is an act of faith and showing our trust is in Him, our provider. The bible then teaches us when we’re faithful with the tithe, blessings are opened up over our lives.

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Photo from Thailand missions trip

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Above and beyond the tithe, you can also give an offering to Missions as we extend the gospel to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Because of faithful givers, Mount Hope supports 331 missionaries in 122 counties. Thank you!

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