from Mount Hope Church in Lansing, MI

Learn a proven financial strategy to get and live debt-free, save for emergencies, and become radically generous.

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers. – 3 John 2

What’s Included

This collection of nine videos, each 4-5 minutes in length, gives a high-level overview of stewardship and money from a Biblical perspective.

This best-selling course has been used by nearly 6 million people to discover the right way to handle money. In these lessons, you’ll learn how to pay off debt, save for emergencies, and invest in your future.

Without a budget, it’s difficult to succeed with money. With the premium features available in the EveryDollar App, you’ll find it easy to take control of your money and tell it where to go (instead of wondering where it went).

This course will help you navigate the future and map out your long-range goals and plans in generosity.

Give your kids a Biblical foundation on how to view money and stewardship. This simple resource is broken down by age ranges so that parents can equip their kids with practical principles in the area of finance.

See how fast you can pay off your debt, all while knowing the next step you should take to achieve your financial goals. In the Baby Steps App, you’ll get customized tips and virtual coaching for your unique financial situation.


May You Prosper