The word “church” comes from two Greek words: Called and Out. The Strong’s Concordance reads this way: “called out from their homes to gather together.” We know the Church is not a building, and the Church is not just believers in Christ. The Church is believers called out—yes, called out of darkness and into the light of Jesus, and also called out of our homes to gather together.

Over the last year, many believers have become accustomed to watching the Church instead of gathering with the Church. Please hear my heart, I understand some are unable to gather right now. One of my concerns about this season is that believers may settle into a routine of being apart from the family—the local Church—and that’s a dangerous place to be. When we become born again, God adopts us into His family. He puts us into a local church that gathers together to worship. 

The bottom line is that we were never called just to watch. Out of all the things we watch in life, the Church is not supposed to be one of them. The believers gathered—that’s the Church—something we participate in. We all play our part to help somebody else grow. We encourage one another, pray for one another, bear one another’s burdens… and mostly, we love one another. We gather to be equipped for the going. I love you and want the best for you.  

I could not be more excited about the moments we are living in. Something from Heaven that will go global is about to be birthed out of this family called Mount Hope Church. I feel it in my bones. I’m so glad that the Lord has added you to The Hope, and I am so looking forward to seeing you soon!