Dear friend, I found this prayer that the Apostle Peter prayed for believers who were facing difficult times, and I’m praying this prayer for you! 

“May God give you more and more grace and peace.” – 1 Peter 1:2b

In a world that was becoming increasingly hostile toward Christians, Peter knew that believers would need grace and peace. They would soon feel the hatred and rejection of an unbelieving world. Their faith was about to be tested in a way that they had never experienced before. Yet, at the same time, they were jumping for joy because of Jesus. They had an inward joy that could not be touched by this world. 

I know this last year has been a difficult season for many. Yet, because of Jesus, we have every reason to jump for joy. The days before the return of Christ will be filled with both difficult times and times of massive spiritual awakening! On Sundays, we are going through Peter’s letter to believers. He tells us how to live with inward joy while in a world that becomes increasingly hostile to Christians. His counsel for you might not be what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to hear. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he will give you counsel that will refresh, inspire, and sustain you!

“More and more grace and peace…” I speak these words over you as a declaration of God’s favor over your life! I’m telling you, more and more of God’s grace and peace is chasing after you! Say it out loud, “Right now, God is giving me more grace and peace!” Worry has tried to chase you down. Fear has tried to take hold of you. But, Beloved, even right now, God’s grace and peace are settling down over you like a blanket. I hear the Lord whispering to your heart: 

My Dearly Loved Child, 

From before you were born, I’ve had my eye on you. I have always loved you. There has not been one day of your life that I have not had my eye on you. Yes, even in the times when you thought you were forgotten, rejected, I have had my eye on you. Yes, I have guided and guarded you all the days of your life. 

I know the path I’ve called you to is not easy. I knew there would be moments of great joy and moments of heartache. I know all about the moments of celebration with friends, and I know the bitter sting of rejection. There will be moments of trials and troubles that you must endure. Here is what you must know, I AM with you! As I was with Moses, I AM with you. As I was with Gideon, I AM with you. I am not with you any less than I was with them, and that is all you need; I AM all you need! 

“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.”
– 1 Peter 1:6

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”
– Romans 5:3-4

Endurance means to stay under; to have staying power; to remain under what feels uncomfortable. It’s your staying power in trouble today that develops you for the trouble and victory in tomorrow. 

I sense a stirring from the Holy Spirit. I’m praying that as the world comes out of the season marked by COVID, we enter a season of spiritual awakening like we have never seen before. Renee and I love you, thank God for you, and are keeping you covered in prayer!