**Words Written by Veteran Missionary in a sensitive location.**

I see Him in the woven textiles. I see Him around the table of steaming bowls of noodle soup. I see Him in their reverence for nature. I see Him in the bananas offered to me when I visit my friend. I see him in hands pressed together raised in expressions of honor. I see Him in the faces of those who still wait to hear of who He is.

How do I see God so clearly in a place that is 98% unreached by the gospel?

Because His creation doesn’t have to be aware of His fingerprints on their lives and culture for them to be there. All nations, all tribes, all tongues- those saturated with the gospel and those wasting away without it- we are created in the image of God. His character and nature are revealed in us and through us, simply because we belong to Him.”

God spoke: ‘Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.’ God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature.” Genesis 1:26-27 MSG

As you prepare to serve in a culture other than your own, it is important to remember that culture is simply an outward expression of an inward belief. Cultures in and of themselves are not sinful. Certain expressions of culture might be, but we have to guard ourselves from thinking or feeling that our own home culture is more “Christian” or “holy” than another. Because all people are the “Imago Dei”- image of God- when we look closely we can see specific and beautiful attributes of God, even in the lives of those who are far from Him.

My Buddhist friends have taught me much about hospitality, respect for nature, honor of elders, and devotion to worship. Because I have been able to look past their expressions of culture that lead to religious bondage and sin, I have had the honor of bearing witness to the deeply woven character of God in their lives that I pray one day will be revealed to them through a revelation of the gospel.

“For the life of every human living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” Job 12:10

When I am able to see these attributes in cultures outside of my own, my understanding of the very nature and character of God is expanded, and I’m left in awe that my American idea of God is so much smaller than the reality of who He is. This mighty, powerful, omnipresent Master Artist who displays His glory and image in all creation longs to reveal Himself to you in a new culture. Will you have eyes to see it?

Great Questions to Ask.

What pre-conceived ideas do you have about the culture you are going to that you might need to let go of?

Have you ever felt that your own culture is superior to others?

If so confess that to God and let Him speak to you. Ask God to open your eyes to see Him in a new way in the culture that you are going to, and to prepare your heart to see His image more clearly through those you will serve.