Hello Friend,

As we approach Thanksgiving, I want you to know that Renee and I are so thankful for you! This year has included unusual challenges, uncertainty, and blessings; of course, this was the case when America began. History records that in 1609, 300 colonists arrived in Jamestown. That winter, 80% died from starvation and disease. Then in 1620, 102 Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower and three months later landed at Plymouth. Within the first year, half of them perished. Yet in 1621, the Pilgrims dedicated three days for a Thanksgiving Feast to give God glory. Amid severe trials, disease, and loss, people gathered to thank God and give Him glory.

The pilgrims learned in the midst of uncertainty to keep their eyes on God the Father with thankful hearts; may we do the same. We have gone through a very unusual year with COVID-19, lockdowns, job losses, businesses closed, racism, riots, division, deception, and elections, too! I speak to your heart, beloved, “Peace be to you!

Peace On Earth

The Prince of Peace has a desire for the earth; it was declared by angels at Christ’s birth when they said, “Peace on earth” (Luke 2:14). Peace on earth is more than something we sing around Christmas time. It’s a divine declaration of God’s intention for you. Jesus came to give light to those who sit in darkness and to guide us to the path of peace (Luke 1:79).

I’m committed to doing my part to bring the peace that is only found in Jesus to this world. Will you join me? I sense a strong urgency from the Lord that we must not coast through the end of this year. It’s time to put the pedal to the metal. Let’s stick our faith out there and together give an extra $1,000,000 to missions, lead 1,000 people to Jesus, and raise up 100 people called to be missionaries and pastors before the end of this year! Why? Time is short, and people will go to hell if we don’t lead them to Jesus. I simply refuse to be distracted from our mission. I know that if we do the unusual, God will do the extraordinary! Our nation is hurting, our communities are hurting, and they need Jesus more than they need a president or a vaccine.

Come on, let’s do this and finish this year strong! If each one of us leads one person to Jesus before the end of this year, we will lead well over 1,000 people to Christ! If we pray and obey, we can give an extra $1,000,000 to further the gospel in our neighborhoods and the nations. Your giving will help us finish our Mount Hope Downtown Campus, bring Christmas to local families, and spread the Good News of Christ through 350 missionaries in 122 countries!

Let me encourage you when it comes to moments of faith like this—don’t do the math, do your part. Let’s each do our part in planting seeds into people’s lives. Now, more than ever, I am so thankful for this church family, and that includes you! Together, let’s do the unusual, and God will do the extraordinary.

Your Friend and Pastor,

Kevin Berry