Chris & Jodi Sarver

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1999

As university students, Chris at Wright State and Jodi at Western Michigan, we were gripped by the glory of God and the reality that apart from Jesus people are eternally lost. Knowing that He alone forgives sin and changes lives, we decided to spend the best hours of our days introducing people to Christ and His gospel through the ministry of Cru.

Separately as singles and together as a married couple, we have worked to mentor students and nurture transformational communities at schools like Northwestern, Indiana University, and Ball State and in places like the Middle East. More recently we helped develop and lead the over 500 Cru Staff throughout Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. Combined we have invested nearly fifty years of our lives ministering to young people.

In the summer of 2016 the Lord began to cultivate in Chris a desire to minister to those who recently graduated from college. In response to God’s leading, Chris moved from Cru’s Campus division to its City ministry. He is helping pioneer Cru City’s young adult efforts in Indianapolis by coming alongside twentysomethings, pointing them to Jesus, helping ground them in the Gospel, connecting them to solid, local churches, and unleashing them to be all that God has created them to be. He is compelled by the vision of developing Christ-centered, twentysomething spiritual leaders for the sake of the Kingdom and the good of the city and its people.


North America


Antonino & Tammy Guarisco

Antonino & Tammy Guarisco

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2002

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Trey & Becky Hancock

Trey & Becky Hancock

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2011

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Courtney Bytwerk

Courtney Bytwerk

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

At Michigan State Chi Alpha, we are more than a community. We are family. Check out what makes us who we […]


Mark & Mindy Gerdes

Mark & Mindy Gerdes

Country/Region: Mexico
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2021

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Gregg & Erin Glutting

Gregg & Erin Glutting

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2004

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Adam & Drea Goodenough

Adam & Drea Goodenough

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2021

We are Chi Alpha at the University of Cincinnati


Alex Pickins, III

Alex Pickins, III

Country/Region: North America
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

The Voice of Power Deliverance Ministry is committed to transforming lives through the power of God. Alex serves as […]


Craig and Sharon Metzner

Craig and Sharon Metzner

Country/Region: United States / Detroit
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2006

Childhood Sexual Abuse and/or Child Sex Trafficking are on the rise and many people in our […]


Peter & Wilma Akright

Peter & Wilma Akright

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1996 A chaplaincy ministry is the invitation to pastor a group of people outside church walls. Like Jesus’ ministry […]


Matt & Carol Long

Matt & Carol Long

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2006 The Longs use their training and experience to equip future missionaries to cross language and culture boundaries. Carol […]