Eric & Trisha Porter

Eric & Trisha Porter

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2013

Rev. Eric Porter, Founder/President of Backyard Orphans, graduated college with a B.A. in Biblical Studies. He spent 12 years as a local church pastor and for the past 6 years, he has been an orphan care US missionary.

His team’s mission is to train Church leaders to develop a foster care, adoption, and support ministry. They have seen over 400 hurting children placed in healing home over the past 4 years.

He has been married to Trisha Porter for over 18 years, father of 4, and a foster dad.


North America


Antonino & Tammy Guarisco

Antonino & Tammy Guarisco

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2002

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Trey & Becky Hancock

Trey & Becky Hancock

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2011

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Courtney Bytwerk

Courtney Bytwerk

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

At Michigan State Chi Alpha, we are more than a community. We are family. Check out what makes us who we […]


Mark & Mindy Gerdes

Mark & Mindy Gerdes

Country/Region: Mexico
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2021

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Gregg & Erin Glutting

Gregg & Erin Glutting

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2004

People are reached by people‚ not programs! Because of you, lives are being impacted by over 370 missionaries in […]


Adam & Drea Goodenough

Adam & Drea Goodenough

Country/Region: USA
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2021

We are Chi Alpha at the University of Cincinnati


Alex Pickins, III

Alex Pickins, III

Country/Region: North America
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2018

The Voice of Power Deliverance Ministry is committed to transforming lives through the power of God. Alex serves as […]


Craig and Sharon Metzner

Craig and Sharon Metzner

Country/Region: United States / Detroit
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2006

Childhood Sexual Abuse and/or Child Sex Trafficking are on the rise and many people in our […]


Peter & Wilma Akright

Peter & Wilma Akright

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 1996 A chaplaincy ministry is the invitation to pastor a group of people outside church walls. Like Jesus’ ministry […]


Matt & Carol Long

Matt & Carol Long

Country/Region: United States
Mount Hope Supported Since: 2006 The Longs use their training and experience to equip future missionaries to cross language and culture boundaries. Carol […]