September 26, 2021

What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? How can we receive them? Pastor Joanna Reeves breaks down the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and why each is so important to furthering our faith.

First Time

Prayer Request



Online Giving




Who is the Holy Spirit?

September 5, 2021

The Lord made the promise that Jesus would baptize people in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an “it” or a distant source of power we […]


What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

September 12, 2021

Have you ever wondered what the Holy Spirit does? Imagine the creator of the universe, God, who cannot be contained, choses to dwell inside of us. Listen as […]


The Promise of the Holy Spirit

September 19, 2021

Why is speaking in tongues important? How does it affect our prayer life? Pastor Kevin shares the promise of the Holy Spirit as a continuation of our series, […]


The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

September 26, 2021

What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? How can we receive them? Pastor Joanna Reeves breaks down the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and why each […]


Love: Fruits of the Holy Spirit

October 3, 2021

What does it mean to walk in the spirit? When we follow our fallen nature, we tolerate and become desensitized to sin all around us, producing lust, jealousy, […]


Joy: Fruits of the Holy Spirit

October 17, 2021

What does joy look like in everyday life? Learn what it means to walk by the Spirit and to choose stand in the Lord’s strength instead of letting […]