Jim Rohn once said:

“Your greatest value in life is not what you get, your greatest value in life is what you become!”

Most people are only focused on what they can get—the next job, the next promotion, the next big thing. Your greatest value as a Kingdom-minded leader has everything to do with what you are becoming!

When Darren Hardy was looking for a wife he made a detailed list of everything he wanted in a wife— what color hair, body type, temperament, disposition, attitude… and the list went on. Then one day he had a profound thought, “What must I become to attract this kind of a woman?” Wow… it’s one thing to know what you want in life; that is a great starting place. If you have never taken the time to write down 50 things you want in life—start there. But don’t stop there, do something all great leaders do and ask yourself what you need to become to attract those things to your life. You will attract what you are becoming!

So what are the dreams that the Lord has put on your heart? What are the things that you really want in
life? And what do you need to become to attract those things into your life?

Here are a few things you can become that will help you attract a whole new dimension of leadership in your Life Group.

1. Be prophetic!

Joshua said the words that every great leader must be able to speak with authority when he said, “This is what the Lord your God says!” (Joshua 3:8). He didn’t say, “this is what the latest book I read said”… or even “this is what Moses said we should do.” He boldly said, “This is what the Lord your God says!” The people in your family, on your staff, and in your church need to know that you hear from God. This requires time in the secret place, standing before the Lord!

2. Become a better thinker.

A man is what he thinks about all day long. If you spend your time thinking on negative thoughts… that’s what you will be—negative. We say about 180 words a minute, but we think 1,300 words a minute and your thoughts can either make you or break you. Determine you are going to get rid of all toxic thoughts. Successful people never hold on to bad things for very long. They won’t hold on to bad investments for long, they won’t hold onto bad relationships for long, and they certainly won’t hold onto bad thinking for very long.

3. Become consistent!

If you consistently do the right things over a period of time, you will eventually experience breakthrough! I grew up ice fishing with my dad and brothers. Dad would hand us the ice auger and tell us to start drilling holes in the ice. If we would stick with it, be consistent, stay in the same spot, consistently keep turning that handle, eventually we would break through the ice. So it is with your leadership. It’s not the one prophetic word, the one faith declaration, the one day in the secret place… it’s years of them all added up that make the difference!