“Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible. ”
Matthew 19:26

When Jesus said these words, He was speaking about more than a rich person entering into the Kingdom of God. He was speaking about “the new normal.” In the midst of our new normal of social distancing in this season, I want to remind you of the new normal Jesus makes possible for us.

What was normal was the word “impossible.” 

Perhaps you’ve heard things like this:

It’s impossible to get ahead in this economy.
It’s impossible for me to get out of debt.
They say it’s impossible for me to walk again.
We were told it’s impossible for us to have children.
It’s impossible to find a decent job.
It seems impossible for us to just get along.

But with God… everything is possible!

Did you hear that? EVERYTHING! We have to become unfamiliar with the word impossible and become familiar with: “But with God everything is possible!” It’s time to step out of the realm of impossibility and step into the new normal, where, with God, the sky is the limit.  Everything is possible. It goes something like this:

With God, it’s possible to thrive in this economy!
With God, my debt is being eliminated.
Thanks to God, I’m walking again!
Praise God, there’s a new member joining our family today!
With God’s help, I found the perfect job.
With God, our marriage can do more than survive… we can thrive!

The new normal for you has nothing to do with COVID-19 or the state of our economy. It has everything to do with your faith in God’s ability to make everything possible!

Prayer – Father in Heaven, my faith level is rising. Peter walked on water and did the impossible; that is how I choose to live the rest of my life. Trusting in you to make the impossible, possible, I choose to take a risk and step out of the boat and step into the new normal – a life of miracles.