
Pray for Ukraine

Urgent Prayers for Ukraine

As the potential of a Russian invasion increases in Ukraine, Mount Hope’s Eurasia region is asking for urgent prayers for peace be offered up.

Currently, two Mount Hope missionary families plan to stay in Ukraine, while five will return to the United States. Five more families were already in the United States for itineration, and will remain stateside until further notice.

Missionaries Gerald and Jane Dollar say, “Everyone is speculating and preparing for an invasion, but that hasn’t happened. We read the American News and it is accurate reporting. A devastating invasion in the east could happen, and air strikes on Kyiv could happen. Everyone is preparing—most civilians have a plan. The situation is grave, but GOD! He will not forsake us. Only His mighty hand can stop the imminent bloodshed. That is what Christians on both sides of the conflict are believing for. Churches are on high alert. We’ve been called to prayer and fasting.”

The Pentecostal Union

Amid Ukraine’s population of 44 million, 11,000 registered evangelical organizations and churches exist. The Mount Hope’s primary partnering organization—the Pentecostal Union—has 1,800 established churches. And 3.6% of the population is evangelical believers.

In recent years, the Pentecostal Union, in partnership with Mount Hope personnel, has engaged in aggressive church planting across Ukraine, realizing that years of peace gave them unprecedented opportunity to work quickly and thoroughly.

“We must seize this opportunity and plant as many churches as we can before doors are closed. Our task is to prepare and send leaders to new churches,” says Vasiliy Voytovich. (In September 2015, ETS launched the first Russian-language Doctor of Practical Theology program in the former Soviet Union of which Voytovich is the president!)

His wife, Lyubov, agrees, “Every day, I and my 10 younger siblings left for school unsure if we would even get home to see our parents,” she says. “The government was threatening to take us from them unless they raised us as atheists. So, I know that what we have opportunity to do now is important! Please pray that we will have the wisdom to catch and realize what God wants us to do in the midst of what He is doing so quickly. We don’t want to miss anything that He needs us to do.”

Prayer Points

The Pentecostal Union has issued a call to prayer and fasting January 30—February 6, with the following prayer points:

  • Peace in the region
  • That many will come to repentance
  • That the good news of Jesus Christ will be preached widely throughout this crisis
  • For sound minds and peaceful hearts

In addition to our calls to prayer, many believers have already been fasting for weeks around the world. We know there is a miracle needed! And God will show up. I’m sure of it.

Hold Nothing Back

and with his wifes knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostlesfeet. But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God.” When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last. And great fear came upon all who heard of it.” (Acts 5:2-5 ESV)

The questions’ The Apostle Peter posses here are piercing, “ And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? ” especially if we turn the sharp inquisition towards our own lives. What if this wasn’t about property and money? What if this moment is about our lives?

What if the Scripture, by the Spirit of God is really asking us, “Have you lied to the Holy Spirit and kept back a part of yourself? Was not your life your own to do with what you pleased before you made Jesus Christ Lord of your life? Why is it that we have contrived this deed in your heart … to say that you have given your life to Jesus, but yet you have held back a portion of it for yourself?”

Holding Back A Portion

In the context of our faith, I believe these questions are relevant today and the outcome the same. Like Ananias, those who hold back a portion of their life from God yet pretend to present the whole eventually fall and their faith dies (Read Luke 8:13). James, the brother of Jesus Christ writes, “For as the human body apart from the spirit is lifeless, so faith apart from [its] works of obedience is also dead” (James 2:26 AMPC).

This issue of holding back is not new. The Lord knows what is in man, and from the beginning He has encouraged us to guard our hearts from pretending to be something we are not. For example, in Exodus Moses records his encounter with the Living God on a mountain where he was instructed by the Great I AM to write Ten Commandments. These Ten Commandments would become the foundation of a moral life and the fundamental principles of godly living for those who would follow God. However, the third commandment is one that is often misunderstood. It states, “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

For most western Christians, we understand this commandment as a warning to never use the name of God recklessly or in a meaningless way. For example, when someone gets upset and out of frustration may yell “Jesus Christ!” Or when someone is mad and they shout, “God d@%# it!” Most television networks will bleep these statements out as a curse word (and in order to not engage your web browser’s parent controls, I also had to censor the phrase—which only proves the point). However, though I acknowledge these rude uses of God’s name are disrespectful and wrong, this is not really what the third commandment is talking about. The third commandment is really a warning against pretending to be something we are not.

Represent His Name

The third commandment is saying don’t take on the name of The Lord unless we mean to represent who He is! It is a warning against holding back or pretending we are followers of God, when we’ve actually held back a portion of your lives for your selfish desires or a sinful lifestyle. The commandment is warning us against calling ourselves “Christians” when our lives and behavior are not “Christ-like” at all!

It would be as if someone put on a team jersey, but had no idea how to play the team’s sport, didn’t know the coach, didn’t know the plays, nor did they intend to do what was necessary to train to win. They have taken on the team name in vain. They may wear the name, but they don’t represent nor belong to the team. Or it would be like a woman taking on the name of her husband with no intention of being faithful to him alone. She has taken on his name in vain and her vows were meaningless because her actions don’t correlate with the name she took on as her own.

This is why the Lord said, “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:27-28 ESV)

Jesus goes onto to say, “So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33 ESV).

What Are You Holding Back?

Are you holding back? The Lord is asking you right now to stop and really measure what it means to follow Him and to give Him your whole life. Your life was yours to begin with and you can do with it what you please. However if you step forward to present your soul to the King of Glory, hold nothing back! We are commanded to give it all and do not lie to the Holy Spirit. Give Him ownership of your thoughts, your opinions, your behavior, your work, your marriage, your family, your future, your entertainment … let Him have it all! Hold nothing back … because The Lord so loved us that He held nothing back from us—He gave His life for us—He gave it all on the cross, so hold nothing back from Him. He is worth it!

For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4:24 ESV)

Let me remind you that The Lord requires that we give Him everything, yet we are putting our lives into the hands of He who is Love, He is Good, He is Truth, He is Life. He knows that if we give Him our life, He can then multiply it into something far greater than our best intentions. When we place our entire life at His feet, He then takes it and transforms it into something so amazing, so fulfilling, so supernatural, so loving, and everlasting. When we lose our life for Jesus and hold nothing back, we gain immeasurably more!


Lord, I give it all. The portion I have held back from You, I now give. I let you in to take the things that I have been unwilling to give up or was afraid to let go of. You have all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength. I present my whole life afresh and new. I have counted the cost and realize you are worth my entire life! I renounce all sin and turn from evil that I know keeps be from knowing You wholly. Jesus, you are my everything, I love You! I hold nothing back! Amen. 

Take Action

Faith without obedience is dead. This is where the rubber meets the road. If you meant that prayer and are presenting your whole life, you must now give up those things that you have kept back for yourself. For example, maybe you have refused to give up an immoral relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe a relationship has become sexually immoral and you need to establish new boundaries to maintain holiness. Or maybe you’re viewing websites that are immoral and unholy and you need to delete some apps and use some software that will keep you accountable. Faith in God is alive when you take action to remove sin in order to please God and live for Him wholly. Hold nothing back!

What is Our Purpose?

A MHLS First Year Student Essay by Bram Nguyen

 Wanted Not Needed

I would like to believe that when we were born our parents’ first thought was not, “Why did we bring this child into the world? What purpose will they serve?” But rather, when we were brought into this world their first impression was that they simply loved us and wanted to be with us, not because of anything we had done but because we were their child. We were not created to fill a job, we are not created to fill a need; we are created because we were wanted. Earthly parents want to have children; they do not need to have them. In a similar way, God does not need us:

“nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” – Acts 17:25

Yet, also in a similar way, God wants us. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible tells us one story; in sixty-six different books. It’s the story of God wanting to be with the people He had created.

Immanuel Means: God With Us.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” – John 1:14

All of us at one time were separated from God; removed from His presence not because of His will, but because of our own. We were all born into sin; choosing to live apart from Him. But, God had a plan from before the creation of the world to reconcile us to Himself.

“He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.” – 1 Peter 1:20

Humanity had fallen infinitely short of God’s standard. He was completely holy, completely just, completely loving, and completely perfect. And, whoever did not meet those same criteria would become subject to judgement—eternal judgement.

“All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” – Psalm 14:3

And yet, through all of mankind’s sin God still desired to be with the people He had created. He knew that no one would be able to follow the law in its entirety, and that we could not obtain remission for our sins on our own. So, we needed another means of salvation; another means of being reunited with God.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6

So, God in His great mercy made another way for us. He stepped out of Heaven and stepped into the world; to accomplish salvation for us. He sent His one and only Son to dwell among His people, and to grant salvation to mankind.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Jesus came—as God in the flesh—lived the perfectly righteous life we could not, was crucified as the unblemished offering for our sins, and rose again to bring us to life with Him. God’s plan all along wasn’t that we would make ourselves righteous, but that He himself would make us righteous. Perfectly righteous before His eyes, not because of the work we had done, but because of the work He had done on the cross on our behalf.

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time…” – 2 Timothy 1

The entire Bible culminates around the story of Jesus coming to earth to save us from our sins—God with us. But why? The “why” behind God sending His son to earth is His “why” for creating us. God sent Jesus to reestablish the relationship we lost with Him, because of sin, that He had intended for us to have with Him since the beginning. God wanted to be with His people.

This is the First and Greatest Commandment

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” – Matthew 22:37

Sometimes we tend to over complicate God’s purpose for our life. Jesus is pretty clear about what God’s desire is for us—that is to love Him. God is not a God of confusion, the purpose He has laid out for us in scripture isn’t meant to be complicated. Throughout the narrative of the Old Testament we see God’s people struggling to grasp the simplicity of His desire for them. The Jewish people often thought that God’s purpose for their lives was to follow the Mosaic Law, and that by doing so they would be doing His will. But, they deeply missed the point of the Law. God gave them commandments not to help them overcome sin, but to point out their sin. And, to point to the deeper message that they needed God Himself to be made righteous. God’s intention was not for them to simply follow a set of rules, but that the Jewish people would love Him enough to want to follow His commands.

And the Second is Like It

“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” – Matthew 22:39

And, God purposed that not only we love Him, but that we also love our fellow man—in an expression of our love towards Him.

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” – 1 John 4:11

To Know God

“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” – John 17:3

John 17:3 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It comes straight from the mouth of Jesus—from the mouth of God Himself. In one sentence Jesus explains what it means to live—why we were created.

The most profound assertion Jesus makes in this verse is that eternal life “is” knowing God. Eternal life doesn’t just include knowing God, it’s not just about knowing God, it’s not just “for” knowing God, it “is” knowing God. What Jesus is saying here is that the essence of life itself is to be in relationship with Him.

            “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins…” – Ephesians 2:1

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul uses deliberate language to describe what it means to be “born again.” He states that we were once “dead” because of our trespasses and sins—This isn’t figurative language. When he said we were dead, he meant it. Because sin had separated us from God, we were truly dead. Our physical bodies were moving, breathing, and functioning—yet our eternal spirit—was dead.

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” – Ephesians 2:4-7

The process of us being “born again” into new life was the act of us entering into a relationship with Him. As we came to know God through putting our faith in Christ and turning from the sin that gave us death, we were made alive. Us coming to know God didn’t just give us eternal life, it was the eternal life we had been separated from since the beginning.

The Lord has revealed so many things about Himself to us. Yet, there are an infinite number of things we don’t know about Him. What I find so intriguing about God is that He decides not to completely reveal all of Himself to us at once. Throughout the narrative of the Bible, and even in our personal relationships with God, we see Him unveiling His character and who He is little by little. As if He is intentionally desiring for us to seek and pursue Him more. This is really one of the main reasons for why God gave us the scriptures in the first place. The Bible isn’t just a book of stories or commands from God. In some sense, the Bible is one enormous invitation-letter to knowing Him more deeply.

God’s Glory: the Imago Dei

“And they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.’” – Isaiah 6:3

Pens were created to write, knives were created to cut, hammers were created to build, and mankind was created to glorify God.

“I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” – Isaiah 43:6-7

When we are glorifying God we are fulfilling our purpose. When we exalt Him and lift Him up we are doing what we were made to do.

“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…” – Genesis 1:26

We were created to reflect God’s image back to Him. He gave us His image, and now we give it back to Him. When we look into a mirror the mirror itself isn’t what we are admiring, rather we are admiring the image of ourselves that we see in it. I believe, in a similar way, God loves when we seek to glorify Him because, when we do, we reflect back to Him His own image like a person looking into a mirror.

By Him and For Him

God loves each one person individually, and has specific plans for each one of our lives. However, I think sometimes—in an innocent way—we overemphasize ourselves in the matter. We tend to ask the Lord, “God, what is your purpose for me?” when it might be more beneficial for us to ask, “God, what is my purpose—for you?” This is not saying that we make up or decide our purpose for God—or that we have some sort of plan for Him—but rather that God gives us a purpose that is—for Him.

God’s purpose for our lives is not so much “for us” as much as it is “for Him.” When a craftsman builds a chair to sit in, the purpose of that chair is not for the chair itself; the purpose of the chair is “for” him—the craftsman. In the same way, we were not created by Him for ourselves, we were created by Him, for Him—Jesus.

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” – Colossians 1:16

Who has Jesus made mankind to be? And, what is our purpose on earth?

When I read over that question my mind automatically wants to rephrase and restate it. “Who has Jesus made mankind to be?,” well the answer to that question is in the question. Jesus made mankind—to be. God’s purpose in creating us, our purpose for this life, our reason for being placed on this earth was simply “to be.” God never needed us; since before the creation of time God lived an infinitely perfect existence in communion with Himself—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created mankind simply—to exist—and His purpose for us on the earth was to share that perfect communion with Him.

Everyone Is A Minister

by Joseph Mead

At Mount Hope Church, we have seven beautiful core values. These values function as cultural guardrails to keep us on track with biblical truths that the Lord has expressed in our unique church family. One of those values is particularly powerful and very significant for anyone who follows Jesus Christ. It states that, “Every member is a minister. Each member of the body is responsible to help the others grow.”

Can You See It?

Have you ever really stopped to envision what it might look like to have 1,500 ministers all gather in one place to worship Jesus and minister to one another? Can you imagine if every one of those worshipers were spiritual powerhouses like King David, the Prophet Jeremiah, or the Apostle Paul? What if everyone in the room was a person who knew exactly who they were in God, had impeccable godly character, knew their gifts, and were daily doing supernatural exploits for God in the unique area of their calling and anointing? Can you imagine how the earth would shake when these ministers gathered to worship Jesus together? Can you see how darkness and evil would flee the region due to the glory of this holy gathering of the sons and daughters of light (See John 12:36)?

What’s described above isn’t my vision. It isn’t even Pastor Kevin’s vision. This is God’s will and what He has made possible through Jesus Christ. And as believers, we have become the stewards of it! Maybe you need more proof that this is God’s will. If so, let’s look at Hebrews, chapter 8. The writer of Hebrews unpacks a prophecy from Jeremiah from the sixth century. The prophecy declares a day when God establishes a New Covenant with His people, and the outcome is amazing [Jer. 31:31-34].

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will imprint My laws upon their minds, even upon their innermost thoughts and understanding, and engrave them upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And it will not be necessary for each one to teach his neighbor and his fellow citizen or each one his brother, saying, ‘Know (perceive, have knowledge of, and get acquainted by experience with) the Lord, for all will know Me, from the smallest to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful and gracious toward their sins, and I will remember their deeds of unrighteousness no more” (Hebrews 8:10-12 AMP).

Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of this prophecy in Jeremiah! He came and made a way for our sins to be remembered no more! He has lavished His grace on us and made us righteous before God. But it doesn’t end there! This mercy also empowers all who believe to have full access to God’s thoughts, ideas, and understanding! Each of us has a unique gift to pray, read, and study the Scriptures with the Spirit of God and then apply the truth He teaches us! This does not eliminate our need for others or our call to honor the five-fold ministry as described in Ephesians 4—for these ministers are also gifts to us to further empower us to come into our full maturity in Christ! However, this does liberate us into personal relationship with God and a responsibility to seek Him for ourselves (See Matthew 6:33).

This new covenant challenges the religious myth that only an elite group of qualified professional holy people have access to God for greater works. Additionally, this myth provides a convenient way out for those who would rather delegate spiritual responsibility to others. The myth of religious pride robs people from entering into God’s unique purpose for themselves. Believing this myth sets up a new veil between them and God (unlike the one God ripped in the Temple), and the separation keeps them at a distance, unable to experience anything close to what Jeremiah prophesied.

This Ought Not Be!

Jesus Christ came to die on a cross and ransom His sinless life for the world (See John 3:16). This spiritual trade made a way for us all to come close to God. The Father in Heaven ripped the veil in the Temple, as if to announce, “Come into the Holy of Holies! Through faith in Jesus, The Son of God, I have awarded you righteousness! So everyone, draw near to Me” (Read the Gospel of Mark, chapter 15). Therefore, we can all pray and be heard, we can all experience the Holy Spirit fill us, we call be given wisdom and godly character, we can all operate in spiritual gifts (See 1 Corinthians 14:1).

To further the point, read the miracle of the crippled man in Acts 3. When Peter prayed for the crippled man and he was instantly healed, God wasn’t saying that Peter and John had finally attained to some level of holiness to do miracles now. (I mean, Peter had just recently denied Jesus, months prior.) God was showing what the New Covenant through Jesus Christ is capable of through ordinary men like Peter and John.

Now as the lame man who was healed held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch which is called Solomons, greatly amazed. So when Peter saw it, he responded to the people: Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?’” (Acts 3:11-12 NKJV)

It wasn’t Peter’s godliness or by John’s power that this miracle happened. It was possible because Jesus had finished what He came to accomplish on the cross and enacted the New Covenant. “For all will know Me, from the smallest to the greatest of them.” And now God had written His ways on the hearts of His people through the baptism of the Holy Spirit (See Acts 2). God had written on Peter’s heart that He has compassion on the poor and the broken and that He came to heal the sick! So that is exactly what Peter did, even though the “holy elite” threatened them and took them into custody for … ah, well … I guess you could say an unauthorized miracle. How insane is that! Religious pride blinded the Pharisees so that they could not see God working right in their midst. Instead, they were more worried about maintaining their spiritual high-ground, their money, and their elite status. The Pharisees missed the dawn of a new day where God had decentralized His Spirit and now sent His grace to every tribe, tongue, and nation!

The New Requirement

What the religious did notice was “…they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13 NKJV). There you have it! If there is a “requirement” to minister to others, this new requirement is to “be with Jesus.” The cross of Christ made you worthy, the resurrection made you alive, and the Holy Spirit made you powerful. So, let every member be with Jesus and be a minister, and all do our part till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13 NKJV).

Keys to Boosting Your Immune System

I sat down with Dr. Jean-Guy Daigneault, Director of Gilead Healing Center, who has been specializing in clinical nutrition, chiropractic, and overall wellness in the Lansing community for nearly two decades. He shared some practical tips that you can do on this journey to better health!

Pastor Kevin: Everyone wants to be healthy, but we know sometimes if feels like all we can do is try not to get something bad, but you and I both know there are some things we can do to position our body to heal itself, just the way God made it. If I cut myself, what does the body do? It heals, because God made it that way. So what are some things we can do to position our body to be healthy, boost the immune system, and heal itself?

Dr. Jean-Guy: That’s a great question! God wants us to be healthy—that’s number one! Our vertical relationship with Him is first. And following the pandemic, many people have had more questions. There are things we know people can do across the board that will help their bodies get the proper raw material to help them function. These are things that optimize—not a treatment or cure for anything—but optimize function. And we can implement what we know about the human body that can benefit us as it relates to the immune system.

Here are some practical ways you can boost your immune system on your way to better health!
  1. Vitamin D: We naturally receive the benefits of Vitamin D from the sun, but Lansing is the second most overcast city in the nation. Over ninety-percent of people across the country are low in Vitamin D, so it is vital that we supplement with a good, inexpensive supplement. You can have your level checked with a simple lab test. Vitamin D also functions like a hormone in our body, so it is important to a lot of different biochemical pathways in your body in order for your body to function as it should.
  2. Zinc: important to take daily to enhance your body’s ability to function better as it relates to your immune system.
  3. Vitamin C: You may think of orange juice, but let’s understand that there are optimal sources of Vitamin C that don’t have as much sugar. If you are taking in a lot of sugar, you will reduce the good effects of Vitamin C in your body.
  4. Reduce Sugar: The more you can reduce the amount of sugar intake—anything that contains sugar or breaks down into sugar—then you will enhance the response and ability for Vitamin C to do what it was designed to do. Our cells have receptors that have an affinity for Vitamin C, but those same cells also have an affinity for sugar. Sugars will hook to those cells at the expense of the Vitamin C.
  5. Fish Oil: This contains Omega-3 fatty acids which we need and don’t readily get enough of in our standard diet. These are good for cognition, eyes, heart, immune system, musculoskeletal system… pretty much everything! Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc, can be traced back to inflammation. Reducing inflammation with quality supplements including fish oil means you are likely to function better. You may think cod liver oil does not sound appealing, but there are various products that can deliver the benefits with a better taste; some have Vitamin A added for even more benefit during the winter months.
  6. Probiotics: Often, your gut—your gastrointestinal tract—is not functioning properly. You may frequently deal with bloating, indigestion, heartburn, or similar issues, and this is often due to imbalance between the good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut. Because 80% of our immune system is in the gut, if your gastrointestinal tract isn’t working properly then there is trouble. Also, 80% of your “feel-good” neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, are made in your gut. If your gut is not functioning optimally, your body can’t adequately produce these, and there can be links to such things as depression. There is such a vital connection between your gastrointestinal tract and the brain. To learn more, there’s a book that explains this well: The Second Brain, by Dr. Michael D. Gershon, MD.
  7. Multi-vitamins/Minerals: Organic, made from whole foods. Our diets are lacking and need this key supplementation.

Pastor Kevin: There are many ways that Gilead Healing Center is here for our Mount Hope family and entire community, from chiropractic care to nutrition, healing prayer, counseling, and general medicine. Doctor, would you pray a prayer of covering, for divine health over all who are reading this today?

A prayer from Dr. Jean-Guy:

Father God, we come before you with humility on behalf of everyone who is reading this. I pray for every one of you to know that God wants you to be healthy. I pray for wisdom and discernment to take care of your body and have the desire to do that. God’s Word tells us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so I pray for you at this moment, starting today, you will have the desire to take care of yourself, to be better, to do God’s work. We know we can’t do that unless we have our health. So I pray you will have the ability, desire—not only for yourself but for others around you—to have that wisdom and discernment to help your body, your household, and the people you love and care about. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Called to be Healthy, Growing, and Full of Love

Aren’t You Excited?

I don’t know about you, but I am excited to see our church grow to a place of 80%+ connectedness. Yet, even more so, I am really looking forward to experiencing a church that is highly connected. Have you thought about that? What would a church look like that is full of more truly connected people? To me, that looks like believers who are growing and maturing. If people are growing and maturing, then there should be more forgiveness given, less offenses taken, more healings taking place, more restoration happening, and Jesus being lifted up to a higher level. I long to see these kinds of things increase more and more!

My personal story starts in my second year of Bible school, which was also, incidentally, my first year of marriage. My wife was gently trying to get me to make friends and spend time with other people from our church. Maybe it was just the hot Oklahoma heat, but I remember saying very sincerely to my wife,“I don’t need anyone else around; I’m happy with just you and me.” Although I was very sincere when I said this, I was sincerely wrong. I later realized just how selfish this was. God began to gently and personally show me over time, His heart for being in relationship with people.

What is Highly Connected?

Let’s read what Jesus said about connection in John 15.

Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that does not produce fruit. He also trims every branch that produces fruit to prepare it to produce even more. You have already been prepared to produce more fruit by the teaching I have given you. Stay joined to me and I will stay joined to you. No branch can produce fruit alone. It must stay connected to the vine. It is the same with you. You cannot produce fruit alone. You must stay joined to me. “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I to you, you will produce plenty of fruit. But separated from me you won’t be able to do anything. If you don’t stay joined to me, you will be like a branch that has been thrown out and has dried up. All the dead branches like that are gathered up, thrown into the fire and burned. Stay joined together with me, and follow my teachings. If you do this, you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you. – John 15:1-7

In these verses, not to mention many others in the bible that substantiate this, you can see that to be joined—or connected—in Christ looks a lot like being in relationship with others, and I would even say many others; not just one or two.

The question I eventually had to ask myself was, “How can I consider myself growing (or even a Christ-follower) if I’m not connected to others?”

These verses really convicted me and caused me to make changes in my thinking and in my heart. Meaningful connection with people does not happen automatically. It does, however, come when we decide to step outside of our comfort zone to meet someone where they’re at. Thankfully, as I gave God my “yes” and cooperation, He was gracious to me and let me see and experience all the truly wonderful benefits of being joined with other people.

Connectivity is Key

Our desire for Mount Hope Church is a church that is healthy, growing, and full of love. Have you ever thought about what the opposite of that would look like? Could it be sickly, stagnant, and full of disgust—or even hatred? Sounds pretty miserable and lonely to me! I know you would agree that none of the ideas in the second list describe anything that any of us would ever want to experience in our personal life or in our church family. So to be healthy, growing, and full of love, we must be connected with others.

We were all created to experience the tangible love and presence of God and to experience the tangible love and presence of other people. His plan for us includes healthy, whole relationships. I believe the absolute best way to experience these realities in our life—and in the lives of our family—is for each one of us to be connected with others in Life Groups. Are you willing to make some new connections? Are you willing to pursue a friendship or relationship with someone in order to impart value and esteem into their life and to add to their development and health? Are you ready to jump in and actively help Mount Hope grow into a highly connected church family? I am, and I’m thankful that God can even use Mr. “I Don’t Need Anyone” to help people find the family they never knew they had!

How to Lead a Prayer Walk

A prayer walk is an interactive way you can take spiritual authority and do the critical task of interceding for your campus, neighborhood or work place. It’s an on-site prayer meeting that has a way of stirring up ideas, insights, and faith in those who are gathered, in a way that sitting in a room may not.

STEP 1: Set a Time and Place for All Walkers to Meet

Have everyone who wants to pray for the campus gather at a specific time and place on campus. Consider holding the walk at a time when people are active on campus. You might want to reserve a room on campus where you will start and end together. If so, choose a quiet space that will have minimal interruptions, and where you can sit together. Split the group into pairs or threes to cover various parts of campus; assign locations if you’d like. Collect one person’s cell phone number from each small group. Agree on a time to return and debrief the prayer walk together. Plan on an hour for the walk, and perhaps another hour for debriefing.

STEP 2: Communicate that time and place no less then 1 week in advance.

Could be a formal invitation, a social media post or simple a text or conversation. No matter the method, make sure you prayerfully build your team and clearly communicate to them the when and where. Example “Hey Brian, I felt lead to as a few people to walk around MSU and pray. We are going to meet at the Starbuck in east Lansing at 6pm and walk for an hour. Consider this text your official invitation! It’s time for revival at MSU”

STEP 3: Prayerfully make a prayer points list.

Leading up to the meeting time ask God to give you seeing eyes to see what you should be praying for. I like to make a list with 2 categories. A. Prayer focuses and B. Goliaths that must be killed. Remembering to keep the focus the focus. We don’t stair at the giants, we stair at Jesus and he battles the giants. Practically that means fight to be full of faith and keep things positive.

Example of MSU Prayer Points List.

Prayer focuses.

  • Christians on campus would be strong and bold.
  • Mount Hope Church would have favor in planting a church among the students and surrounding area.
  • Jesus would be the talk of the campus
  • Student would experience supernatural miracles that point to Jesus

Goliaths that must be killed.

  • fear
  • sexual perversion
  • striving
  • pride

STEP 4: Ask God to show up.

Appoint 1 or 2 people to stay at the meeting place and pray over the whole prayer walk. Have them invite God to speak to each individual in the group through images, Bible verses, songs, situations seen, etc. Pray that each participant would be open and responsive to God during the walk, expect and prepare for God to answer this prayer! Practically this allows you to start on time but not worry about those that might show up later at the meeting spot.

STEP 5: Start walking, praying, and paying attention.

Go in groups of 2 (4 at the most). As each group starts walking to different places within the targeted area, participants can be praying that God would speak to them. Instruct your team to pay attention to:

  • What’s being advertised on bulletin boards.
  • What values do they promote?
  • What others are doing, wearing, and saying as you pass by.
  • What’s the spiritual climate?
  • Activities and situations in progress while your walking?

Make prayer stops as needed, if your group feels the Holy Spirit prompting you to spend time in prayer for a specific person, building, department, etc.

Protip: You may want to have someone be in charge of taking notes on what you’re each observing. As the leader if you go the extra mile a provide a small journal for them to write your team will love you ever more! Does not have to be fancy a simple note book will go a long way.

STEP 6: Regroup and debrief.

Debriefing the prayer walk is extremely important! When everyone has returned, have one person from each small group sum up what their group prayed for and what they felt God reveal to them. It is helpful to note that one person may receive a picture or a word and not know what it means, but God may give an insight to someone else in the room.

During this time anything that you as the leader suspect is not from God can be set aside. (such as any direction that contradicts Scripture or is not from a posture of kingdom love). These are great “mentor moments”. It’s great leaders who lovingly guide those they influence towards holiness and honor. After every group shares, highlight any patterns, themes, and broad concepts that came up across the multiple prayer groups.

Extra Mile:

Assemble a revised list of specific prayer requests based on the common themes from each group; have someone type them up and email, text or give them to participants so they can continue praying in the days and weeks ahead.

Looking for God in Culture

**Words Written by Veteran Missionary in a sensitive location.**

I see Him in the woven textiles. I see Him around the table of steaming bowls of noodle soup. I see Him in their reverence for nature. I see Him in the bananas offered to me when I visit my friend. I see him in hands pressed together raised in expressions of honor. I see Him in the faces of those who still wait to hear of who He is.

How do I see God so clearly in a place that is 98% unreached by the gospel?

Because His creation doesn’t have to be aware of His fingerprints on their lives and culture for them to be there. All nations, all tribes, all tongues- those saturated with the gospel and those wasting away without it- we are created in the image of God. His character and nature are revealed in us and through us, simply because we belong to Him.”

God spoke: ‘Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.’ God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature.” Genesis 1:26-27 MSG

As you prepare to serve in a culture other than your own, it is important to remember that culture is simply an outward expression of an inward belief. Cultures in and of themselves are not sinful. Certain expressions of culture might be, but we have to guard ourselves from thinking or feeling that our own home culture is more “Christian” or “holy” than another. Because all people are the “Imago Dei”- image of God- when we look closely we can see specific and beautiful attributes of God, even in the lives of those who are far from Him.

My Buddhist friends have taught me much about hospitality, respect for nature, honor of elders, and devotion to worship. Because I have been able to look past their expressions of culture that lead to religious bondage and sin, I have had the honor of bearing witness to the deeply woven character of God in their lives that I pray one day will be revealed to them through a revelation of the gospel.

“For the life of every human living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” Job 12:10

When I am able to see these attributes in cultures outside of my own, my understanding of the very nature and character of God is expanded, and I’m left in awe that my American idea of God is so much smaller than the reality of who He is. This mighty, powerful, omnipresent Master Artist who displays His glory and image in all creation longs to reveal Himself to you in a new culture. Will you have eyes to see it?

Great Questions to Ask.

What pre-conceived ideas do you have about the culture you are going to that you might need to let go of?

Have you ever felt that your own culture is superior to others?

If so confess that to God and let Him speak to you. Ask God to open your eyes to see Him in a new way in the culture that you are going to, and to prepare your heart to see His image more clearly through those you will serve.

Season of Nesting

I have had a longing—not just a desire or whim—but an unusual longing to hold a baby over these last few weeks of quarantine. I love babies, sure, but this has been an out-of-the-ordinary and recurring thought.

No, I am not pregnant in the natural, but we are pregnant in the supernatural! This time has reminded me of “nesting.”

What does it mean when a woman is nesting?

This urge to clean and organize is known as nesting. Nesting during pregnancy is the overwhelming desire to get your home ready for your new baby. The nesting instinct is strongest in the later weeks coming upon delivery. It is a traditional tale that once nesting urges begin, labor is about to come on.

What stage of pregnancy do you start nesting?

Nesting usually kicks in at around week 28 of your pregnancy—when you are in the home stretch. This is known as the third trimester, and it’s when your body starts preparing for the arrival of your baby.

When I was pregnant, I was intentional about the preparations for baby’s arrival. There was great thought and prayer in the planning. What do babies need? How do we feed them, clothe them, love them? How is each one unique; would they have needs specific to them?

There is a stirring, a sense of excitement, as well as a sobering reality of the responsibility that would lie ahead—it’s both exhilarating and scary at the same time!

I believe the Lord is stirring hearts of His Church to use this time for nesting. One of the prophetic words for this year was to expect lots of spiritual babies. We need to plan for them! We are to be readying our hearts, homes, and our Church home to bring these new babies into the family. How are we going to feed them, clothe them, love them? What will their unique needs be, and how are we preparing to meet them?

I want to be ready to nurture these spiritual babies. If I am longing to hold them, how much more does the Father long for them to come home?! God, give all of us this nesting instinct… prepare us now to open our hearts and homes to Your children. As they are adopted into Your family, thank You for entrusting us with their care.

We are expecting!

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