

By Pastor Kevin

Historically, trust has been a challenge for those who are called to follow God. It was difficult for the nation of Israel when they escaped slavery in Egypt and began the journey to follow God into a new land filled with promise. They believed God could lead them out of Egypt, but they struggled to trust Him for food. The psalmist writes, “They stubbornly tested God in their hearts, demanding the foods they craved. They even spoke against God himself, saying, ‘God can’t give us food in the wilderness’” (Psalm 78:19).

The Israelites then reinforced their unbelief by saying, “Yes, he can strike a rock so water gushes out, but he can’t give his people bread and meat” (Psalms 78:20). How can they think that way after all they saw God do?! It was all due to a trust issue. The psalmist concludes, “for they did not believe God or trust him to care for them” (Psalm 78:22).

Maybe you remember the crazy story about how years ago I went tandem sky diving (against my better judgment). What if after I got done sky diving from 10,000 feet, I was then invited to drive back to the airbase, and I responded, “No way! It’s not safe to get in the van!” You’d think I was a lunatic. If the sky diving instructor was capable of keeping me safe in the air, why wouldn’t I trust him to keep me safe on the ground? Likewise, it would be crazy to say, “Lord, I trust You with my eternal soul, but I don’t know if I can trust You with my stuff.”

Many times, our money problems have nothing to do with our financial situation, but everything to do with our heart condition. Determine in your heart that you will take God at His word in every area of your life and watch how the Lord’s blessing follows. Continue to trust Him with tithes and offerings. God is faithful. He has promised to take care of you as you put your trust in Him.

“This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the One he has sent.” – Jesus Christ (John 6:29)


What is Tithing?

Tithing is bringing 10% of your income to the Lord through the local church. Tithing isn’t a payment, a way to make Jesus love us more, or because God needs the money—He owns everything. Tithing is an act of faith and showing our trust is in Him, our provider. The bible then teaches us when we’re faithful with the tithe, blessings are opened up over our lives.

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Give To Missions

Above and beyond the tithe, you can also give an offering to Missions as we extend the gospel to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Because of faithful givers, Mount Hope supports 331 missionaries in 122 counties. Thank you!

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You Must Pass the Money Test

By Pastor Kevin

Tests are all around us. In school, we test in order to go to the next grade level. When we turn 16, we have to take a test to get a driver’s license. There are certain jobs that we can’t do without first passing a test. Did you know that our God is a God who gives tests?

There are many examples of God testing people in the area of their character in order to qualify them for great influence and wealth. For example, Joseph was promoted to governor of Egypt. However, his life was filled with challenges before he saw his promise come true. Psalm 105:19 says, “Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.”

God tested Abraham with Isaac. King Hezekiah was tested, the prophet Daniel was tested, Esther was tested, even Jesus Christ was tested in the wilderness after His baptism! God is a God who tests character to verify faithfulness. Then, after the test comes promotion, blessing, power, etc.

Did you know that sometimes the Lord gives us things, stuff, and a little money just to see what we will do with it? He is looking throughout the earth for hearts that are loyal towards Him—God is evaluating what we do with a little, so He can trust us with much!

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” -Jesus Christ (Luke 16:10-11)

The Lord is essentially saying, if we can’t be obedient and generous with a little money, then we’ve proven we can’t handle increase from Heaven.

If you’ve been tempted to say, “I will tithe when I have more money” or “I will be more generous once I get promoted,” the Lord challenges those thoughts. He reveals that giving is a matter of godly character and not a matter of having enough. It comes down to what you believe. Will you believe that God will honor His Word and bless your obedience? That is where the rubber meets the road and momentum is gained. God wants you to trust Him and have faith in Him as your supply. Money is the testing ground that He uses to teach you that He is more than sufficient to meet all your needs!

So today, determine in your heart that you will pass the money test! Trust God by tithing faithfully and managing money justly. Support missionaries when you have opportunity, and learn the joy of sharing generously with those around you.


What is Tithing?

Tithing is bringing 10% of your income to the Lord through the local church. Tithing isn’t a payment, a way to make Jesus love us more, or because God needs the money—He owns everything. Tithing is an act of faith and showing our trust is in Him, our provider. The bible then teaches us when we’re faithful with the tithe, blessings are opened up over our lives.

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You can also set up reoccurring giving by changing the drop from “One Time” to “Regularly”

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Photo from Thailand missions trip

Give To Missions

Above and beyond the tithe, you can also give an offering to Missions as we extend the gospel to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Because of faithful givers, Mount Hope supports 331 missionaries in 122 counties. Thank you!

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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

By Pastor Kevin

Your attitude toward the stuff that God has given you is central to the spiritual momentum in your life. In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 3, John the Baptist encounters three types of people who were all stuck spiritually and wanted to know what to do. In every case, John talked to them about their stuff and what they ought to do with their money.

John warns the Jewish people that being “children of Abraham” doesn’t mean you automatically inherit the blessing their great-grandfather walked in—you have to “prove it by the way you live!” (Luke 3:8). The crowd goes on to ask, “What do we do!?” To summarize, John explains that they ought to give to the poor, stop over-charging people financially, and be content with your pay. Can you imagine how our city would change financially if everyone did those three simple things?

One of the characteristics that marked the early church was they weren’t too attached to their stuff.  We often talk about the supernatural signs and wonders recorded in the Book of Acts, but we can’t ignore the fact that the same believers were constantly giving. They were so generous that no one among them had any needs. That’s because when they found someone who was in true need, someone would step up to share and provide for their neighbor.

Every time we “put our money where our mouth is” and obey the Lord, it displays the very character and nature of God in our life. Obeying God in tithing displays faith in the area of our finances. Being honest in business and thankful for our pay brings Him glory. Lastly, caring for others’ needs by sharing and being generous illustrates how God treats us.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:22)


What is Tithing?

Tithing is bringing 10% of your income to the Lord through the local church. Tithing isn’t a payment, a way to make Jesus love us more, or because God needs the money—He owns everything. Tithing is an act of faith and showing our trust is in Him, our provider. The bible then teaches us when we’re faithful with the tithe, blessings are opened up over our lives.

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You can also set up reoccurring giving by changing the drop from “One Time” to “Regularly”

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Photo from Thailand missions trip

Give To Missions

Above and beyond the tithe, you can also give an offering to Missions as we extend the gospel to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Because of faithful givers, Mount Hope supports 331 missionaries in 122 counties. Thank you!

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By Pastor Kevin

Every small act of obedience along the way will make for big momentum in our life. For example, when Abram got stuck, the Lord reminded him, “Leave your native country, and go to the land I will show you.  I will make you into a great nation.  I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others… so Abram departed as the Lord had instructed…”  (Genesis 12:1-2, 4)

One small act of obeying God dramatically accelerated Abram’s life! Abram went on to be a close friend of God, blessed, favored, influential, and eventually the father of the ancestry that gave the world the Messiah, Jesus Christ!

So what does obedience look like in the area of our finances? Jesus said in Matthew 23:23 that you ought to tithe without neglecting the weightier issues of showing mercy, justice, and faith.

For example, it is hypocritical to tithe faithfully and then oppress employees and dabble in unjust business practices. On the other hand, it is also hypocritical to excel in making money yet ignore tithing to your local church because you struggle to have faith in God.

Tithing postures our heart to trust God as our Source, rather than the works of our own hands. Furthermore, godly character aligns our behavior with God’s behavior, so His blessing can easily flow through us!

In the coming weeks, we will explore other momentum makers in your life. For today, remember to be diligent and obey the Lord’s teachings as proof that you love Him. Obey Him in the tithe, and obey Him by showing mercy, justice, and faith in how you manage your personal finances.

“If you love Me, you will do what I say.” – Jesus Christ (John 14:15)


What is Tithing?

Tithing is bringing 10% of your income to the Lord through the local church. Tithing isn’t a payment, a way to make Jesus love us more, or because God needs the money—He owns everything. Tithing is an act of faith and showing our trust is in Him, our provider. The bible then teaches us when we’re faithful with the tithe, blessings are opened up over our lives.

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Give Online

You can easily and securely give online. Simply type in the amount, select the fund, include your information. That’s it!

You can also set up reoccurring giving by changing the drop from “One Time” to “Regularly”

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Photo from Thailand missions trip

Give To Missions

Above and beyond the tithe, you can also give an offering to Missions as we extend the gospel to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Because of faithful givers, Mount Hope supports 331 missionaries in 122 counties. Thank you!

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

By Pastor Kevin

A while ago, Renee and I were in Florida watching the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico. At that moment, a thought filled my heart: There is another world, another realm, under that water. I’ve experienced it enough to know there are sharks, stingrays, sea turtles, a variety of fish life—from large to small, safe to dangerous, beautiful to scary. We began to talk about another world, another realm—a realm of the supernatural that is around us, just waiting to be tapped into and experienced!

Some have seen enough to know the supernatural realm is there, but like the depths of the sea they never go in deep enough to discover and enjoy it. Others even deny that the supernatural realm is for us. And the power of the Holy Spirit was for “them,” a different time, but it’s not for us today.

I have good news for you today—the supernatural realm of the Kingdom is for you! The Spirit-filled life is for you! It is critical in these last days that we, as the Body of Christ, are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Time is short. There will be a final outpouring of God’s Spirit—an outpouring of power. We will need to gather a massive harvest of souls into the Kingdom.

It’s not our “programs” that will transform people’s lives, transform this city and nation… it’s a PERSON! It’s going to be an encounter with the Living God, the God that still heals the sick, that still speaks to His people, and still does miracles.

Join me on a journey as we study God’s Word and find out what He has to say about the Spirit-Filled Life!


Knowing What To Do

We are all called to “get wisdom” (Proverbs 4:5), but the gift of wisdom is when the Holy Spirit gives His people insight to the best choice from God’s perspective. When given multiple options, routes, or choices, wisdom reveals the best decision and application. Joseph displayed the gift of wisdom with how to manage the drought and famine coming to Egypt (Genesis 41).


Knowing Things Supernaturally

God knows about everything. Any time we receive a word from the Holy Spirit that we couldn’t have known on our own, that’s the gift of knowledge. It may be supernaturally knowing someone’s name, family situation, or healing need. Both Paul and Ananias displayed this gift in Acts 9.


Bold Faith in Action

Each individual has been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3), but there are moments when the Holy Spirit will give an extra surge of faith and confidence in God’s power, presence, and promises. In Matthew 14, Peter displayed this gift when he walked on water.


Wholeness to the Body

Jesus walked in the gifts of healing on numerous accounts, and invites His disciples to “heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse the lepers” in Matthew 10:8. Peter and John display this gift to the crippled man at the gate Beautiful, and Paul operated in the gifts of healing so much that even his handkerchiefs would heal those who touched them.


Heaven on Earth

Dr. David Yonggi Cho defined the gift of miracles as “a remarkable or surprising event that happens by the direct intervention of God, not following the general known laws of nature.” This can manifest in many ways; a floating axe head (2 Kings 6), multiplication of food (1 Kings 17, Matthew 14), parting waters (2 Kings 2, Exodus 14), and walking on water (Matthew 14).


Saying What God Says

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. Prophecy is hearing what God says or seeing what God sees and then declaring it for the instruction, edification, and benefit of others. Jesus Christ prophesied His own death and resurrection years before it happened in John 2. Agabus also prophesied to the Apostle Paul that in the future he would be arrested and bound in Jerusalem (Acts 21:10-12), but it was for the purpose of preaching the Gospel in Jerusalem and in Rome (Acts 23:11).


Knowing the Spirit

Both angels and demons work in supernatural ways, and the gift of discernment sheds light on the motive and spirit someone may be operating from. This isn’t discernment of people but of the spirit behind the person. Jesus showed this when He rebuked Peter (Matthew 16), and Paul showed this when he cast out a spirit from the woman with the spirit of divination (Acts 16).


Heaven’s Language

This gift enables the Holy Spirit to speak on your behalf (Romans 8) and for the spiritual edification of oneself (1 Corinthians 14). Paul writes, “For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.” This gift is great for when you want to pray but are unsure of what to pray. Many call it the “prayer language.”


Decoding Heaven’s Languages

Interpretation of tongues goes hand in hand with the public gift of tongues. This is when the Holy Spirit opens your ears to interpret what someone says when they are praying in tongues. Since the gift of tongues is directed toward God and not man (Romans 14:2), the interpretation is in the same nature and is exalting and praising God (Acts 2:11; 1 Corinthians 14:16).

Stay Tuned

– Finding the Frequency of Heaven

By: Pastor Joseph Mead

In 1906, a silent Christmas Eve night was broken as sailors were astonished to hear the angelic voice of a woman singing “O Holy Night” through their radio receivers for the first time in history. Reginald Fessenden had done it. He successfully sent the first wireless voice transmission to nearby ships at sea.

Think about how Fessenden’s discovery paved the way for so many technologies that we use and enjoy today. Long distance communication is now made possible by the science of passing waves of invisible energy through one substance to another. And today it is big business.

At the root of discovering sound transmission is mankind’s desire to communicate and connect. More importantly, our addiction to communicate and connect reflects the very nature of our Creator. Our culture’s craving to stay in constant communication is written in our DNA by the Son of God, for He is the Word of God that spoke all things into existence (read John 1:1-5).

Just as we dial a radio into a certain frequency to pick up a specific music station, we can tune our spirit to pick up the very whispers of God. Jesus made this all possible through His sacrifice at Calvary when He paid the penalty for our sins and made peace between God and man. And now, just as the veil in the temple tore open for all to see the Holy of Holies, God is inviting us to come in and talk (Matthew 27:51).

Let Him Hear

When Jesus walked among us thousands of years ago, He would often say, “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” This statement indicates that hearing God is only for those who have tuned in to do so. It also reveals that God is speaking; yet some are not listening… and that is where you and I come into play.

Consistently studying and meditating on God’s word will tune our ear to His voice and the Spirit of truth. As we are faithful to learn what is revealed, God will entrust us with what’s hidden. As we tune in, we will not only hear the Holy Spirit’s leading for our own lives, but we can also pick up God’s encouragement for others!

I remember being in prayer at church one day, and I was wrapped up in the Lord and basking in His love. I opened my eyes for a brief moment to see another person praying in the same meeting. Instantly, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Go and tell her that it’s not her fault.” In that moment, fear of the unknown and faith to obey gripped my soul at the same time. I had a choice. Obey fear or obey faith. I was so glad I obeyed faith, because as I delivered that simple word from God, I saw years of guilt and shame fall from that woman’s countenance. Evidence of God’s liberation poured from her eyes as she wept joyfully.

Just like a radio, a major part of our purpose in Christ is to catch God’s frequency and amplify His message to an audience desperate to hear love’s melody. The Apostle Paul wrote, “But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men” (1 Corinthians 14:3).

Remember, it all begins with getting close to Jesus Christ.

New Testament Prophecy

It is vital that we understand the purpose and nature of New Testament prophecy. It isn’t spooky and it isn’t overly complicated. As Pastor Kevin says, “It is simply asking the Father what’s in His heart for another person.” Then we echo what we hear from the Holy Spirit. We may all prophesy.

Guaranteed, if you are hearing God’s voice, it will be loving, edifying, and uplifting. If what you hear is judgmental, critical, and condemning, then reject it! It’s “the accuser of the brethren” trying to mask himself as an “angel of light” (read Revelation 12:10 and 2 Corinthians 11:14). Remember, Jesus came to set captives free, not add more weight to their chains of bondage. Jesus is a liberator, not a slave driver.

Scripture is very clear that we ought to “test the spirits, whether they are of God;” (1 John 4:1). The measuring stick is this—love. If the root of the message isn’t love, then toss it out. You simply picked up “static” and you need to keep tuning in until you hear God clearly. The Apostle Paul writes, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge… but have not love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-2).


In closing, here is a quick way to understand the elements of prophecy and how it’s transmitted to the hearer. You may recognize these stages in the heavenly encouragement you hear for others. Please note that some words from God take time and process to fully unfold. We ought to just focus on our part—nothing more, nothing less (read 1 Corinthians 3:5-8).

  1. Revelation: This is the moment you tune into God and pick up what He is saying for someone else. It’s a message obtained by supernatural means; whether it be a prophetic picture, a specific word, a knowing, or an open vision. It’s a message from God that could not have been obtained naturally.
  2. Interpretation: The message you receive may need interpreting, most commonly associated with dreams, visions, and prophetic pictures. Many times, someone else may have the interpretation. I believe God gives the interpretation to others to encourage unity in the Body of Christ. It forces us to need each other.
  3. Application: A supernatural download or spiritual unveiling is never for our entertainment. It is given for the purpose of action. We need to respond to the message we hear from God. Once the prophetic word is tested against the weight of scripture and is measured by love, we must respond accordingly.

This article certainly does not cover the entire subject of prophecy, but it’s a start. Remember, it all begins with getting close to Jesus Christ—spending time with Him and tuning into His voice—ignoring any static. Once you’re tuned in, the rest will come with time and experience.

Worship In Spirit And Truth

By: John DePasquale

“I can’t go get my husband, because I don’t have one,” she quickly responded to Jesus. Without missing a beat, Jesus responded back to her, “You are right when you say that you don’t have a husband. You’ve had five husbands, and the man you are living with now is not your husband.” John 4:17-18

If we are going to talk about the true heart of worship, this (John 4:17-18) is where we must begin. This moment in Jesus’ ministry is crucial to our understanding of what God is looking for when it comes to worship. It is in this interaction between Jesus and the woman at the well where we learn what God desires when it comes to our worship.

This whole conversation starts when Jesus, tired after a long journey, asks a Samaritan woman at a nearby well for a drink of water. Surprised that Jesus would even talk to her (Jews refused to associate with Samaritans), she shoots Him down. Never missing a chance to meet the needs of others, Jesus starts sifting through the cultural prejudices and misconceptions, pressing into the depths of who this woman was.

He says, “If you only knew the generosity of God and WHO I AM, you’d be the one asking me for water.” She scoffs. He explains that He offers living water that never runs dry, permanently satisfying our thirsts. She essentially says, “Prove it! Give me this ‘living water’ you’re talking about.” Then, all of a sudden, Jesus gets strangely personal, bringing up her failed relationships.

Deeper Relationship

There’s something powerful about how Jesus will cut right through the pleasantries (or not-so-pleasantries), getting right to the heart of a matter, revealing how well He knows the real us. Much like this woman, we are all wired with a desire to be known. This is a trait we get from our Creator who also desires to be known. I imagine that’s one of the reasons this woman had gone from lover to lover. She was thirsty for deeper relationship.

He had her attention now. She recognized Him as a prophet who had answers, and she had questions. “Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews insist the only place to worship is in Jerusalem. So which is it?” she asks. Jesus answers telling her that a time is coming when it won’t matter where you worship. “You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know. But a time is coming, and is even here now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is seeking these worshippers.”

This answer is perfect. The heart of God for us is revealed so beautifully in this statement. Yes, Jesus points out the kind of worship that God desires, but did you catch what He said that was even bigger? He didn’t say the Father’s searching for worship. He said that God’s searching for worshippers! His heart burns for you, not just your worship. It’s less about knowing where or what or how to worship—it’s about knowing Who. Just like that woman at the well, Jesus is interested in who you are and wants you to know who He is. True worship takes place within true relationship.

Why The Cross?

I hope you will hear this loud and clear: Jesus didn’t go to the cross so He could revel in your worship for all eternity. He went to the cross so He could revel in you for all eternity. God’s desire for worshippers is stronger than God’s desire for worship. You are His greatest desire! He wants to know you and to be known by you.

We see this all the way back in Genesis 4 when Abel brought his offering before the Lord, “God accepted Abel.” In fact, the Hebrew word used to describe God’s acceptance and pleasure means “to behold or gaze upon in high regard.” God was literally gazing upon Abel, not Abel’s offering, because of Abel’s heart toward God. It wasn’t about the kind of lamb being offered, it was about the heart condition of the person surrendering that lamb on the altar.

The same goes for Abraham in Genesis 22. It wasn’t about Isaac or the blessing or the sacrifice on the altar, it was about the posture of Abraham’s heart of worship. God was more concerned about Abraham’s heart toward Him than Abraham’s heart toward anything or anyone else.

Now, we know that God didn’t accept Cain, or Cain’s offering, so it’s not just any kind of worshipper that God accepts. This is why Jesus said the Father is looking for “true worshippers” who would worship “in spirit and in truth.”

What Kind of Worship Does God Want?

Your spirit is deeper than your skin, your emotions, or your mental makeup. It is the essence of who you are. God desires worshippers whose offerings amount to more than just physical and emotional expressions. God wants worship that rises from the deepest place of who we are! When you are born again, you become a new creation as the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside you. It is from this source deep within that our praise and worship flows forth! This is what David meant when he said, “You do not delight in sacrifices, otherwise that’s what I would offer… You’re looking for a broken spirit, a contrite heart.” (Psalm 51:17).

The other qualifier is that we worship “in truth.” In the Greek, this translates to say “not merely verbal, intensely sincere.” We must offer more than just empty words. We have to back it up by the way we live. Paul says it best in Romans 12:1, “I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”

Worship with Your Life

There is no offering more meaningful than my life, who I am! That’s the kind of intense sincerity Jesus showed when He offered up His life, leaving Heaven, dying, and rising again for you and me, loudly declaring for all time the worth of the Father and the worth of you and me.

How do we respond to that? We take our cue from Jesus. With all sincerity, and from the deepest part of our being, we can offer up who we are, not just what is in our hands, to our God.

When we gather together on Sunday mornings to worship and when we come together at the Wednesday Prayer Gatherings, let’s worry less about where and how, and let’s focus all our attention on Who.

ABBA, Father

By: Joe Mead

Last June, my wife and I received a phone call that changed our lives. It was a call we had been expecting, preparing for, and felt convicted to receive. It was a phone call regarding a 3-year-old little girl who needed a foster family.

Becoming a foster parent was not an easy decision, but it’s a decision we couldn’t ignore any longer. Especially in light of what The Lord has revealed to us about our own adoption into God’s family.

Separated By Sin

All of us have been abandoned at one time—we’ve all been separated from our Father in Heaven by sin. Sin is the crooked nature we inherited by the first man. It was Adam’s failure to obey God’s command that locked humanity out of God’s presence and made us orphans and slaves to rebellion. However, through

Jesus (the second Adam) we are forgiven and adopted back into God’s family.

The Apostle Paul writes:

“But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s [Adam’s] offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.” (Romans 5:15)

Just like the decision to bring a foster child into our family, Jesus did the same for me! I was just like an orphaned child. I was a mess. I was broken, abandoned, and filled with rebellion and fear. But God, through His great kindness and grace, took me into His family and began to change me with His patience, kindness, love, and grace.

Spirit of Adoption

Paul writes

“For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Romans 8:15)

It was God’s forgiveness that allows me now to call Him, “Father.” And it is His Spirit working in me that continues to free me from all the bondage that my previous orphaned state had brought about.

It is similar to the change we saw in our foster girl. At first she was shy and unsure of our way of life. Her past marked her spirit with all sorts of wounds. The longer she was with us, the more those wounds began to surface. Issues like abandonment, rejection, defiance, anger, fear, and the list goes on. But my wife and I took those issues head on. And through consistency, patience, love, and kindness, that orphaned little girl began to change. She began to trust. She learned to listen. She even learned the rewards of obedience. Oh, how we loved to bless her when she made the right choice!

Paul concludes:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:3-6)

When we make Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of our life, we are adopted into God’s family, and that positions us to receive all the benefits that come with being an adopted son or daughter of the King of Kings. The more we put on His nature, through the power of His Spirit in us, the more we will walk in love, blessing, and power. What an amazing privilege you and I have to call Him, “Abba, Father!”

Five Easy Keys to Make a Disciple

By: Deanne Moore

Shortly after I gave my life to Jesus at an Easter production at Mount Hope, the gal from work who invited me asked me if I’d like to come to church. She even offered to come by my house and pick me up! Not only did her offer help me feel safe walking into a huge church, but the 20 minute ride  gave me the opportunity to ask questions. And I had TONS of questions!

Those short rides turned into longer conversations over Sunday dinners and walks after work. Her mentoring put me on the fast track to growing as a disciple, but all my questions helped her to grow as well.

Becoming a disciple and making disciples is so much fun! Here are five simple keys to help you make a disciple:


Unless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain (Psalm 127:1), so ask God to build every good thing He desires into the one you are discipling. Pray for wisdom from the Holy Spirit to guide you as you answer questions. Also, pray with the one you’re mentoring, not only to model how to pray simply, but to ask God together regarding the needs and desires they have.


In the Jewish culture, a disciple would actually go and live with the Rabbi who was mentoring him. While you probably won’t be asking your disciple to move in with you, investing time is important, and it will be a joy! Work out a schedule that will enable both of you to stay consistent, committed, and to keep the momentum moving forward.


I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he’ll eat for the rest of his life.”

Years ago, I invited one of my disciples to spend several days of my vacation with me in Florida. Over coffee one morning, I began to share with her my secret place time. I shared what I read in the Bible, how God and I talked about it, and what I believed He was telling me to do. Subsequent mornings, we began to read together, talk about what God was saying, and then pray together. This opened up a whole new perspective to her of developing her relationship with God that motivated her to get to the secret place on her own.


We all have times when our faith is shaken by things we are not expecting. Be real about the struggles you’ve had, what God did, and who or what He used to help you overcome. Your stories will give hope and point your disciple to the One who can work everything for good.


Encourage, encourage, encourage! Use your own words, scriptures, and prayer to affirm your disciple in steps they are taking. Support them in the valleys. Be there for them when they need you. Simply knowing you are for them provides a source of strength your disciple needs to continue in a life-giving direction. Your love will never fail (1 Corinthians 13:8).

Enjoy the adventure! And remember that you are yoked to the greatest source of wisdom and power: the Holy Spirit who lives in you!

— it’s not something that happens overnight. (Even Jesus was with His disciples for three years.) It’s also a journey not meant to be traveled alone. At Mount Hope, we have numerous opportunities to help you to be discipled and then equip you to disciple others.


Here are a couple areas at Mount Hope Church to help you on this journey:


Growth happens when you’re placed in an encouraging environment that provides positive information that motivates change… so you can receive all the good things God has planned for you.


By meeting in homes across the area, Life Groups provide a fun-filled, relaxed environment for people to connect and create meaningful relationships.


Care Ministries at Mount Hope Church help hurting people find hope and healing. One of our missions is to help everyone be healthy and whole in every area of life.


We want God in everything we do, and we know that He guides our lives as we continue to seek His ways. And, because we pray, we continually see lives transformed, provision come, plans succeed, and even miracles happen right before our eyes.

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