Become A Life Group Leader

Become A Life Group Leader

People Are Helped By People

Jesus came to earth and prayerfully selected 12 disciples. They lived life together, ate together, laughed together, prayed together, and served together. In three years, they were equipped to change the world together. After Jesus rose and went to heaven, those same disciples followed His example and devoted themselves to making relationships with one another a top priority in their lives. Acts 2:42 (NLT)

Why would the early church believers devote—give themselves completely—to fellowship? The early disciples understood that the greater the relationship, the greater potential for impact. Certainly Jesus impacted people in crowds, but His greatest impact came to those He was closest to. Those 12 disciples He ate meals with, prayed together with, read Scriptures together with, laughed and wept with… they were His “Life Group.”

Steps To Become A Life Group Leader

Complete Growth Track

Growth Track is Mount Hope’s starting point to help you get connected, grow, and develop as a follower of Jesus with the support of a church family. This 4-week class is a great way to get to know who we are while connecting with others.

Develop As A Leader

You have been born to lead, but you need a coach to help you develop the key principles to lead with purpose. New Life Group leaders need to have either completed Accelerate Leadership, or be in process of completing Accelerate Leadership.

Family Care
Fill Out A Life Group Leader Application

Thank you for accepting the call to help make disciples at Mount Hope Church and throughout our community! Share details and information on what type of group you will be leading, and how we can partner along side you!