New Leader

Getting Started

One of the most fruitful ways to disciple is through relationship with other believers. Relationships are a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation! Enjoy these instructions for creating an intentional and exciting Life Group from a few of our pastors.

Inviting New Members

Start by asking the Lord who should be in your Life Group. He will bring people to mind for your group. Then ask them! Personal invitation is the most successful means of asking people to join your group. Be intentional in prayerfully inviting others into your group, and intentional in inviting people of diversity in thought and personality.

Starting Your Life Group

First, Pray.

We desire God’s direction in everything we do, so begin by asking the Lord, “Who should I invite into my life group?” God will highlight someone, or even divinely set up moments for you meet up with the right people.

Personally Invite.

Through technology and social media are great, nothing is better than a personal, face-to-face invitation. Sit down over coffee, and get to know the people you are inviting into your Life Group.

Follow Up With Invites.

Let people know that you were sincere about inviting them into your Life Group. Be sure to follow up with your invites a couple time—but be sure not to be a bother.

Use Our Support Ministry.

We are here for you! Each life group leader is given a director, a coach, to help and direct you through tough questions and challenges that may arise in your Life Group. Additionally, we know that life brings challenges. If a situation arises in your group, and you feel overwhelmed or need help, reach out to us and will ensure your Life Group members get the proper care that they need.

Creating The Right Atmosphere

Set a Consistent Time.

Whether it’s the typical Sunday evenings, or other days during the week, be sure to set a consistent time where people can come to your Life Group.

Send Out Reminders.

Let people know where you are meeting, and that you’re excited for them to come!

Follow Up With Invites.

Let people know that you were sincere about inviting them into your Life Group. Be sure to follow up with your invites a couple time—but be sure not to be a bother.

Use the Life Group Discussion.

Each Sunday, we provide simple questions for your life group to discuss. These questions are based on Sunday’s message, and helps us as a church move in a unified direction and apply what we’ve learned. You can see the discussion questions here.

Take Notes on Sunday.

As you’re listening to this Sunday’s message, take notes! Not only is this great for yourself, but it’s great for those in your Life Group as well.

Provide a Clean and Comfortable Environment.

Help others feel welcomed when they come to your home by providing a clean environment. We know it sounds practical, but it speaks volume.

Set Time Aside for Hang Out.

Whether it’s before or after, be intentional to leave room for people to get to know each other, share stories, and simply have fun before diving into the Life Group discussion.

Allow Everyone to Participate in Discussion.

Be sure that everyone has the opportunity to speak. As leaders, we something like to speak a lot to fill empty space, or you may have one person who dominates the conversation.

Stay Focused on Jesus.

Help direct the conversation to stay on Jesus. Be sure that we are allowing for a unity of thought and diverse ideas as well.

Cultivate a Family Environment.

Be honest, open, and transparent. Remember to be you, and understand that God has equipped you to lead this group!

Be Hospitable.

Let’s roll out the red carpet for those coming to our Life Group. Whether that’s meeting them at the door, getting their drinks, or even giving a tour of your home, be sure to help them feel comfortable and taken care of.

Create A Balanced Conversation.

Yes, this is mentioned twice—because it’s so vital. Help others who may be shy to engage in conversation and participate in the group. Ask lots of questions, and encourage conversation with phrases like, “tell me more.”

Lead The Discussion.

Help the group stay focused, and keep the main thing the main thing. It can be difficult for others to follow along  if the discussion trails frequently.

Open Up For Prayer Request.

Take time during your Life G roup to pray for one another, and allow others to lead in prayer. And go the extra mile and write down each prayer requests so you can follow up and weeks to come.

Take Notes on Sunday.

As you’re listening to this Sunday’s message, take notes! Not only is this great for yourself, but it’s great for those in your Life Group as well.

Respect Others Time.

It can be easy to get off track and lose track of time, but be sensitive to others responsibilities by closing the group at the time that you set. It’s OK that you go over, but you never want people to feel uncomfortable for leaving.

Thank Everyone for Coming.

Be sure to thank everyone for coming, and when you do so, set the next time for your next Life Group. Include where you’re going to meet, what people need to bring, or any additional information.

Remember the Momental Moments.

Whether it’s a birthday, a new baby, or a death in the family, as a leader, be sure to rally everyone together to either celebrate or comfort other members in the Life Group. Show others that you care and love those who come to your group.