By: Pastor Kevin Berry

America faces a moment of crisis, and at the same time there is a moment of great opportunity for the Church. My focus is on the opportunity, not the crisis—on the opportunity, not the difficulty. We are living in the last days the prophets have told about. This should not take us by surprise, as the Lord has told us in His Word clearly what is to come.

“In the last days there will be very difficult times.” 2 Timothy 3:1

In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.’ Acts 2:17

My friend, as you see the moral rot, the corruption, and the injustice in this nation, take heart, be strong, and be courageous—this is your time to shine! There is a shaking coming to America, a spiritual tsunami that will result in a great moment of opportunity for the Church of Jesus Christ. Here is an excerpt from my prayer journal on January 3, 2015. I pray it blesses you like it did me when I heard the Lord speak this to my heart.

“It’s imperative in this season that you are yoked to me. Things will get dark around you this year, but I have made a promise to my children. The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, it only gets brighter. (Proverbs 4:18) The sunrise breaks through the darkness for the godly! (Proverbs 112:4)

There will be a separation this year. It will become clear who is yoked to Me and who is not. As it was clear and undeniable that My blessing was on the Israelites and not on Egypt during the plagues, so it will be clear. Those who are yoked to Me will have:

• Rest. They will have peace and not panic. They will have this unmovable, unshakable spirit. There will be a shaking… every tsunami requires a shaking.

But they will be established, fixed, and unmovable. My children will shine brighter when it gets darker around them.

• A partnership with Me that will bring them extraordinary results, multiplication, and increase. I will carry the load so you don’t have to. In this partnership I will lead you— teach you—your role is to simply follow.

You get to work with Me, not for Me. You get to be part of what I’m doing in the earth today.

• Freedom from all bondages, yokes of oppression. This partnership requires that you take My yoke—it’s active and requires you to walk away from another yoke. I want My people to be free from striving, free from working, from endless labors to “try” and be good, trying to be right. I want them free from addictions, a poverty spirit and free from habits and the sin that entangles and hinders them.”

As I sat before the Lord recently I heard the words: “Wake up!” The Church is the hope of the world. This sleeping giant—the Church—is being called to wake up. It’s high time we wake up to the Christian agenda. The early Christians had a very clear agenda: Make disciples of all the nations of the world! This world as we know it is coming to an end and we have but a short time to:

• Bring the cure this world needs— Jesus! Your boss needs Jesus, your co-workers need Jesus, your neighbor needs Jesus, and your family needs Jesus. The reality is we will have all of eternity to worship, but we can only win souls today.

• Turn from our wicked ways. It’s time to stop all the finger pointing, stop looking at the faults and sins of others and instead look in the mirror—humble yourself before the Living God. We must turn from our wicked ways. It’s a call to raw repentance!

• Pray and seek God’s face. The destiny of America does not hinge on politics but on prayer! Its’ time to roll up our sleeves and pray.

• Shine as the salt and light this world needs. You are needed to shine in the marketplace, in education, government, and in the arts. Your influence is needed.

“For you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11.

There is a revival coming to the earth— another Grace Awakening that will shake the earth. Entire towns will be coming to Christ, there will be a tsunami of souls coming to the Kingdom in these last days. This coming revival is linked to our call to pray! The great British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, said, “The condition of the Church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings.” I invite you to join me every Wednesday night at 7pm in the Garden Prayer Chapel as we seek the Lord.

There is nothing more important we could be doing in this moment, and everything else we do will be of no value unless we are first a praying people. Come on, it’s our time to rise and shine! I love you and thank the Lord for you!