Today’s reading from The One Year Bible:

“As the time drew near for him to ascend to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.”  – Luke 9:51

When do you find yourself needing a good dose of courage? When you need to make a difficult decision? When you get bad news? Then there are times when it’s like giving birth. You know something really good is about to happen, but first you need the courage to push!

I think this was the case with Jesus. As the time drew near for Him to ascend to Heaven, Jesus set out courageously! I want to encourage you today, my friend. As the time draws near for you to receive the promise… as the time draws near for you to live out your purpose… as the time draws near for you to rise up to another level—take courage!

With determination in each step and confidence in your eyes, step out resolutely for the path that God has marked for you. Hey, remember this, God is with you. The pain you are experiencing now will pass. What happened in the past is in the past… leave it there. Keep your eyes on the prize. Your biggest and brightest days are not the days behind you, but the days just ahead of you!

Jesus, with great courage and resolve, set out for the cross—the cross on which He would be crucified, the cross He would teach from. It was on this cross that Jesus, God’s Son, would pay the penalty for the sins of mankind, for your sin and mine. How could He have the courage to willingly face something as horrific as the crucifixion? He was looking at the resurrection. He was looking at you.

Join me today as we begin a study from God’s word at Mount Hope Church: Lessons From The Cross. Let’s discover the lessons Jesus taught while hanging on the cross—lessons that still speak to us today!

Be Strong and Courageous,
Pastor Kevin