Today’s reading from The One Year Bible:

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and the earth.
– Psalm 121:2

Think about this today: “My help comes…” Stop right there and hear this, HELP IS COMING! Your help is coming. Help is on the way. Take a sigh of relief you are not on your own. Your help comes. Your help will not be standing off, just hoping you make it. Your help is in motion. Help is moving toward you right now! When you feel like it’s just too much… when you can’t figure out how this is going to work… when you get tired and feel weary… listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit today saying, “Help is coming!”

Now let’s go on. It’s not just that help is coming; it’s the kind of help that’s a big deal. My help comes from the Lord! Oh… it is the Lord who is coming. It is the Lord who is watching over you. It is the Lord who is protecting you through this season. The Lord is near you. He is always near to the humble, to those that cry out for help. He is your ever-present help in times of trouble. Take heart, my friend, He sees you and He’s coming toward you!

Okay, now buckle your seatbelt and hold onto this: It is the Lord, who made heaven and the earth, that comes to help you today! He is the one who creates something out of nothing. With His words, He created the heavens and the earth. His words will always create. His words will always go out on a mission and they will accomplish their mission. Know this, my friend, the Lord is speaking over you today. He is speaking over the current circumstances of your life. He is speaking over your family and your business and ministry.

King David goes on to say in Psalm 121 that the Lord who watches over you:

  • does not slumber or sleep
  • stands beside you as your protector
  • will keep you from all harm
  • lovingly watches over you as you come and go… ALWAYS!
I pray for you today that peace will well up in your heart as you are assured that the Prince of Peace is coming to help you! This is Jesus, who died for you, was buried, and rose from the dead as the sacrifice for your sins. The one whom death could not keep in the grave is coming to help you!