January 4 – Bible reading for today from the One Year Bible:

This time the dove returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the floodwaters were almost gone. Genesis 8:11

After over eight months in the ark, Noah sent out a dove to see if it could find a place to land. He wanted to know if his long time in the ark was about over. Is there something you’ve been going through that you would like to be over? All you need to see is a small olive branch.

When Pastor Billy Burke was at Mount Hope Church, he taught from this passage of scripture and pointed out the fact that when Noah saw the olive leaf in the bird’s beak, then he knew! He didn’t have to see the dry ground. He didn’t have to see an absence of water. All he needed was to see the olive leaf, and at that moment he knew the promise was on its way! He knew that what God had promised was about to arrive!

What has the Lord promised you? Healing in your body? Provision for your family? Here’s the bigger question: can you see an olive branch? You don’t have to see the entire answer fulfilled to have hope. All you have to do is see something small and you can take that as an olive branch! Then just as Noah knew that the floodwaters were almost gone, you can know that the season you have been going through is almost gone!

Father, I pray that you will allow my friend to see an olive branch. Show them something small that will let them know that something big and good is coming their way soon!

Happy Fasting,

Pastor Kevin