Today’s reading from the One Year Bible:

“About eight days later Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on a mountain to pray… Peter and the others had fallen asleep…”  – Luke 9:28, 32

Jesus invited Peter, James, and John to a prayer meeting on a mountain. [Side note: When Jesus invites you to a prayer meeting, it’s going to rock! Something significant is going to take place.]

What Jesus invited the disciples to was a time of encounter, something supernatural. They were about to see some things they had never seen before. They were going to be part of an encounter with God!

Sure enough, as Jesus was praying, the appearance of His face was transformed; even His clothes were transformed. Then suddenly Moses and Elijah showed up, talking to Jesus about His soon exodus from this world. What were Peter and the guys doing? Sleeping. What?!?

They almost slept through the entire experience.

I don’t want to sleep through what Jesus invited me to experience. I don’t you want you to doze off and miss the encounter God is inviting you to. Today and every day, you have the opportunity to encounter God and experience the joy of His presence, the peace that comes from the Prince of Peace, and communion with the Holy Spirit.

Peter and the guys woke up right when Moses and Elijah started to leave. Peter, probably still rubbing his eyes, started talking about how great this whole thing was. “Then a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to him’” (Luke 9:35).

There it is, the great secret to times of encounter with God: Stay awake and listen to Him.

Thank you for joining me for three days of prayer and fasting as we start the month of April. May the Lord bless you, may you have times of encounter with the Holy Spirit. May you be wide awake so you can take in all God has planned for you, and may you have ears to listen to Him.

Love ya,
Kevin Berry