January 1 – Bible reading for today from the One Year Bible:

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3

In the beginning of the Bible you read these words over and over again: “Then God said.” There is such power in God’s voice that when He speaks, things happen! Something is created, something shifts, and there is activity where there was inactivity. I want to encourage you at the beginning of the year—God is still speaking! There is power in His voice. Have you heard from the Lord lately? Has He spoken a word to your heart? What promise has He spoken to you? You can be sure that when He speaks… things will happen!

Probably one of the most important words in the Bible is “listen.” Oh, that we would determine to listen more to the Lord this year. I want to live out this year in such a way that I’m “ever listening” for His voice. At the birth of Jesus that we read about today in Matthew, we see Joseph listening to the angel and then obeying. What’s your secret to thrive in 2017? Here it is: Listen and Obey!

There are some things that God wants to speak to you about this year—over your life, your family, and your future. There are some action steps He has for you to take. The secret to your abundance this year will not be found in your overwork but in your overflow. It’s the overflow of your relationship with Jesus. It’s hearing His voice and then acting on it!

I pray for you, my friend, that during the next 21 days of fasting and prayer you will become increasingly sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. 2017 is your year to stress less and listen more! It’s your listening and the obedience that follows that will bring about extraordinary fruitfulness—as you will see!

Have a GREAT day!
Pastor Kevin


Check out these resources so you can experience the physical and spiritual benefits that fasting has to offer:

  • The Miracle Results of Fasting Class: Tuesdays, January 3 & 10 at Gilead Healing Center, 7:00-8:30pm. Discover different types of fasts that can transform your life and relationship with God to the next level.
  • Nutritional Cleanse and Detox packages are available at Gilead Healing Center. Call (517) 319-5818 for more information about how you can jump start your health in 2017!