January 21 – Bible reading for today from the One Year Bible:

And so he did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief.  – Matthew 13:58

“Anything is possible if a person believes.”  – Jesus   – Mark 9:23

Unbelief has been the downfall of many! In today’s Bible reading, we see that Jesus was among some who needed a miracle, who needed a healing, but they refused to believe in Him. Unbelief will keep people from being saved, keep people from miracles, and keep people sick. Unbelief is a silent killer of dreams, hopes, and potential.

As we come to the close of 21 days of prayer and fasting, I want to encourage you! As you have been reading God’s Word every day, hiding the Word as a treasure in your heart, and meditating on the Word throughout the day—faith has come, your faith has grown, and it’s time to release that faith for miracles in your life! Here is the thing about faith, it will always prompt you to do something! It’s an action word.

May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.
– 2 Thessalonians 1:11

Faith will prompt you to pray for the sick, to write a kind note to a neighbor, to take some form of action. Faith prompted Abraham to leave his father’s house and believe for the impossible. Faith prompted Moses to stretch his staff over the Red Sea. Faith prompted Joshua to walk around the walls of Jericho. Faith prompted Peter to grab a lame man by the hands and pull him up to his feet; then the miracle happened. There is some action that your faith is calling you to take this year. When you take action in faith—when you dare to believe—that’s when the supernatural happens!

What is it that the Lord has put in your heart? What action step is He asking you to take? Take courage, my friend, anything is possible if a person believes! I dare you to believe God for something so big that it requires supernatural activity in your life this year!

The Lord has taken notice of your fasting and your prayers. Every day and every meal you fasted has been a significant part of pulling you back in the giant slingshot the Lord has you in! Yes, He has strategically positioned you and is preparing you for a launch… it’s time!

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as I share what the Lord has put in my heart this year for Mount Hope Church and for you! I have such a strong sense of urgency and expectation for what is going to happen this Sunday—the first day that the fast is over.  Also, remember, the first three days of every month we’ll be praying and fasting together this year. I look forward to sending you a devotional for each of those days.

Now I bless you in the name of Jesus. I call for this to be a year of encounter for you—a year of greater intimacy with the Lord! I decree this to be a year of expansion, taking territory, a year of bearing much fruit, and a year of rapid growth. I speak this as a blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your Pastor and Friend,
