“Can we have a great marriage?”  Well, as my grandfather used to say, “Now that’s the forty-eight dollar question.”  (It’s probably a lot more now with inflation.)  With God’s help, you can be a one ‘percent-er.’  By that I mean, you can have a marriage that is extraordinary, truly amazing, and the way God designed it to be.  There, I’ve already dropped the two big secrets of the mystery of a great marriage.  You have got to know the WHO and the WHAT of marriage.  Ignorance is not bliss but, rather, hell on earth.

God the Father is the inventor, copyright holder, patent owner, and author of this thing called marriage.  It does not work without Him.  Many people, even some Christians, mistakenly think marriage is an agreement between two people.  That’s the problem with not knowing the WHO of this amazing creation.  We tend to leave Him out of something that only works with His involvement.  God built Himself into the art of marriage.  You can’t have it, neither can you work it without Him.  Some have a form of marriage, but who wants a CZ when you can have a priceless diamond?

What would you think of someone using their upright vacuum cleaner as a coat rack?  What about someone using their car as a garbage can?  (I think I’ve seen that.)  This is what happens when you fail to recognize the value and purpose of something—you misuse it; even abuse it.

If your marriage isn’t working, could it be that you might need more knowledge of both the Maker and His invention?  I believe we can all use more of the knowledge of God, no matter where we are in the process of life and marriage.

Look at Genesis 2:18 and 23-24: And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”  Then Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”  For this reason (the WHY) a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”

God wanted to invest His goodness into humanity.  Hear His words again: “It is not good that man should be alone.”  God invented marriage to be a covenant agreement, magnetically pulling His goodness into the partnership, the oneness, of a man and woman.  Vows of marriage made in faith bring that couple into a covenant (a promise of agreement).  Inside this covenant He obligates Himself to bless those who are inside.  Amazing!  Faith in God brings perfect love into your heart and multiplies into the heart of your marriage.

Marriage is more than just believing in each other. It is also believing in the One who made each of you. Your marriage can showcase the goodness of God, so get the Inventor involved on every level of your marriage.

– Pastor Stephen Marshall